My experience with this game:

I had an issue where after playing for couple of minutes, the audio would go off and the whole game would be muted from that moment. The NPC's dialogue subtitles wouldn't come up as well. I looked for a solution but nothing came up that helped me.
If it's solved, I don't know, this bug already killed my enthusiasm and I don't plan to go back to play it for now.

Bad things about this game:
-Too much dialogue and radio calls.
90% of the random calls, dialogue or people talking is just filler and meaningless. You don't need to hear it. It just gives you a headache.
-Riddler storyline.
Which developer thought people would LOVE to collect 216 random "question marks" from the map to get to a boss fight and get Riddler in prison? Were there moments in your gameplay, when you open a door or enter a gate to realize the green" question marks" and puzzley shit around and leave that space because you just can't be bothered with it? I always had those. Fuck that. What a waste of time and energy. Not even fun.
-Storyline drags towards the end
Storyline loses its interest from a certain point. Depending a storyline on plot twists mostly isn't a good idea.
-Batmobile gets boring to use after awhile
Batmobile unfortunately isn't very versatile and doesn't bring much to the gameplay after a certain point. Fighting 60 tanks isn't fun.

Rest is good I guess. I don't know. These are stuff I disliked.

This review contains spoilers

IMAgine being the fucking MAyan guy and then out of ALL of the 7 billion people in the world you RANDOMLY pick the guy with the fucking CHROMA.... Some parts of this game pisses me off, especially the controls. I can add that all of your actions are irrelevant to the story, and everything goes batshit the moment cops hit your apartment. At least it has some dumb campy vibe to it, so I guess that makes it more likeable?

The game is generally based around themes of American high school culture clichés and oldschool trashy zombie films, roughly stylized with comic book aesthetics. Themes were brought to life with a lot of humor and a chaotic, yet fun atmosphere.
The protagonist, Juliet is a full of life character who is a charmingly beautiful cheerleader, crazily in love (just like in movies) with her boyfriend Nick, a decent mannered handsome highschool football player. They make a great duo with their dialogues throughout the game. The couple flirt a lot and occasionally give references to pop culture music and movies just like how teenagers do in real life. The voiceactors did a great job. I liked James Gunn's writing too, although the story isn't trying to be the strongest part of this game. It is decent and good enough to fill the atmosphere.
Gameplay refreshes itself with new mechanics introduced to Juliet's chainsaw on every stage. The chainsaw feels great and combos look fascinating to the eye. Stages are designed very well and each level brings the player to a new place in town, accompanied with a boss at the end of them.
I can say production quality still live up to this date (keep in mind the resolution is 720p) despite some visual bugs and heavily jagged edges. Antialiasing could shine this game up very well. On the aging matter, I know there is a remake on the way this year. Still, I don't really trust the new approach since Suda51 and James Gunn weren't a part of it.
With personally being skeptic to a remake, I loved playing Lollipop Chainsaw and realised how much I love brainlessly chopping zombies when the game is well built with quality.

I enjoyed this game a lot despite its flaws. I like the setting, worldbuilding, humor and dialogue, variety of playstyles and characters. Main story of main game, DLCs and most side quests were designed and written well enough to keep me engaged with the game. There are a lot of choice and consequence situations that effect the environment and your end game slides. Actions of the player character create a convincing reactivity around the game. As for combat, shooting and killing stuff feels fine, some guns, especially science weapons were quite fun to use. Melee weapons are OK to use and time slow mechanic is fun to use. I noticed few bugs but they were very minimal and don't get in your way while playing.
For flaws I have to say I didn't really find perks to be useful after some point in my playthrough. They didn't help me much and I didn't even notice their effect after let's say, 20th level on my long-heavy weapon oriented character. Also the the inventory system was difficult to use because every time before I was entering a combat, I had to open up the inventory look through all the names of my supplies and use the ones I needed that moment (e.g. a lotion for +10 armor rating or a drink that gives hp regen). This takes so much that it kills the momentum of the combat. Also, I didn't find the game too challenging despite playing on Hard difficulty. And I have to say the ending for the game felt a bit too rushed for me, as I was anticipating more activity on the last planet but the game ended fairly quicker than I expected. Another thing I noticed was that it's cool to have many different playstyles you can try each time you start the game but at the same I didn't find the main storyline to be fun and engaging enough to play the game 3-4 times but who knows maybe I'll play The Outer Worlds many more times...
As for Spacer's Choice Edition, the game had a rocky launch but it runs OK on PCs right now. This edition has a different color pallete than the original too, and I wasn't a big fan of it so I had to download ReShade and apply filters to my game according to my taste. This made my experience much better, but still having to do this part is a flaw for the game. This just doesn't come down to personal taste because some parts of the game without Reshade just looks so bright and exposed.

If only Valve fixed the anti-cheat system and actually explained how ranking system works it could've been a lot better. Also it had it's hitboxes broken for years, we don't forget about that.

Such a beautiful game. I love the themes this game touches on, and its approach too. It's filled with humor and humanity. Every character that appear is memorable and storytelling is impeccable. It's quite rare to find these merits on modern games, unfortunately. I won't forget this game quickly, for sure.
I have to say though, puzzles are very hard to figure out on your own. So I had to follow a walkthrough whenever I got stuck. It kills the flow, surely, but the game is so good that I couldn't really mind.

This review was written before the game released

Personally I have no previous experience with Overwatch, so I can't really compare it to the original one. Removing the first game completely still looks like a weak move, though.

I've been playing for a week or so, and I have to say it's been an OK experience. Playing with decent people will only make your game better (not better skilled players but better as in personality). Some players, especially in lower ranks, seem to have lost their mental health over fictional scores on a video game already. Like, I'm in bronze 4 (healer) rank right now and do I even care? My tank dives in 1v5, damage heroes have no dmg, healer is afk, and I have no apparent anger over them. I'm just here for the fun. Why isn't everyone? Writing "healer diff" or "trash team" won't change a thing. You lost, just get over it mate.

For the monetization system: All you had to do was copy + paste the monetization system of Apex Legends, and it would be perfect. Weird choice from Blizzard.

Also a game shouldn't need my phone number to work, but nah... Blizzard won't care any of these if the cash is rolling in.

apart from bugs and average shooting mechanics, i can say this is one of the best western rpgs that ever came out. i had so much fun replaying it over and over, just exploring the world and trying many different things each time.

you get 3 of the greatest games of all time what can i say more? also for the console and they were decent too. i love you valve <3

chill truck driving game, love the devs!!

This game is like you have a good idea but you don't develop it.

metin2 bu kadar iyiyse metin 1 nerede

çöp ki ne çöp, buradan para kaldıranlara helal olsun ne diyeyim.

it definitely needed more combat, instead we got bunch of puzzles and exploring. where's the action, where's the adrenaline? recommended for old school fans. newer audiences might get bored easily.