This game looks like vomit, and I know that's the point or whatever but it felt like shooting people down a corridor all the time. I don't really care for it.

based tactical game, still looks ok

you had to be out of your mind to do this game in '98

i remember this being ok but not really sure. roaming around paris and killing nazis were fun.

Dumb storyline + dumb controls + stupid and irrelevant characters. The controls literally sabotaged my gameplay two times, and I couldn't be really bothered with it anymore, so I dropped it. I knew the plot from before, I watched someone play it back then in the PS3 era. It looked decent and mysterious, but now I get it was just idiotic Hollywood wannabe bullshit.

The gameplay is the trademark for the series and feels satisfying, even though it might get overwhelming for some people. The game overall is quite fun and repeat value is out there. The comicbook type storytelling and noir atmosphere is impressive, as well. Max is truly depressed and even funny sometimes. I felt like story went a bit nuts towards the end though. Anyways it took me about 5 hours to beat this and I feel quite content with what I've experienced.

This game is great and meets today's standards perfectly by playing safe. RE4make follows the profit guaranteed AAA game rules CAPCOM already set out with current gen RE games and diminishing anything that made RE4 a special and distinctive game. These qualities include the silly humor, unforgettable quotes, the impenetrable gameplay mechanics and the grandly eerie vibe that didn't rely on darkness. RE4make plays it too safe for its own sake. I don't care much for the game, as it is JUST bringing the things that worked out for previous games. The atmosphere feels nothing like what I felt in the original, devs messed up this one, sorry. Also I don't get why this game has "stealth mechanics" or crouching or parrying because none of it wasn't needed to beat the chapters. Why am I able to block a chainsaw attack with a f** knife? Why? Oh, and some stuff's location changed for some reason I don't know, it's developers arbitrary choices probably.

RE4 was a bit nutty and fun and remake is sadly, very sane and careful. I am not a big fan of this reinterpretation but yeah, a good game on paper. I just wish it felt more like playing THE RE4.

Taking a departure from the noir/detective style approach that was known for Max Payne series, the third game in the series takes Max to Sao Paulo (not a good idea, especially for an heavily traumatized man who can't deal with his past) as a bodyguard for a rich and powerful family, but everything goes downhill as he fails to protect them.
The game is much more action/shooter based and cinematic driven. Old mechanics (bullet-time, slow-mo) are preserved and modernized in a way that doesn't feel any stranger.
The story gets painful as it reveals itself further. Comicbook style approach is gone, but I really liked new cinematic style, too. It visually brings the damaged nature of Max on the front.
Tons and tons and tons of shooting and killing unfortunately gets overwhelming this time. Pacing isn't structured that well. I couldn't help but think I was performing some sort of Brazilian genocide or something.
I've got to say that graphics didn't age that well for some parts. The game should look ugly and grimy, I get it. Still, there's something that feels off. You should see it for yourself.

One of the greatest burning pile of **** you will play alongside Fallout: New Vegas, probably. Well, first of all you can't even run the game without a community patch. Technical stuff bring a certain difficulty to gameplay for sure. Combat doesn't feel nice and unfortunately it gets obvious that game was rushed and left unfinished towards the end (I god-modded through the ending because of endless enemies and I feel no guilt and no one should). Alongside all that jazz, VtMB brings storytelling, worldbuilding and a dark, atmospheric vampire setting together so well that you even forget how it looks. Most of the characters and their dialogues with the given quests are quite memorable, thanks to the great writing behind them. And with all of that, the game doesn't even take itself so serious, lots of humor is filled within the characters and the world. All these give a certain character to the game that can still bring new audiences (like me) and give chances for more playthroughs. I wish there were more decision making and better impact on world with protagonist's behavior, though.
Anyways, I'll take these unpolished but passionate games over any big budget AAA production that makes you feel nothing at all. VtMB is a classic but nothing in it is perfect.

I feel like Remedy took everything they did it in Max Payne and made it better. Much of the mechanics and the core of Max Payne is preserved, if not only altered. Controls feel much better (especially jumping) and gunplay feels as fun and satisfying, pretty much like the original game. Pacing of action is set very well, in a way that never leaves you over or underwhelmed.
The story is picked up from where it was left, and themes such as loss, grief, sorrow, trust and revenge are implemented into the noir-detective comicbook style storytelling. We can say Max is the lonely traumatized survivor who can't let go of the past, and so can't build a future. He's looking for revenge but he's tired, he's looking for love but he can't get over his dead family, he's looking to trust people but he's been hurt so much. Some quotes cut very deep and surely will get stuck with you, if you were drawn to the atmosphere of the game.