Decent experience, but there was just enough jank at key points throughout that made it frustrating. Also, there were a surprising number of sections where basically all of your abilities get taken away so you can... do puzzles or platforming challenges. Though none of the abilities are movement-focused, anyway.

Much like someone else said, this is very much like an arcade light gun game where you have full control of your character.

aliens tried to suck my brain :(

Cry of Fear didn't end up clicking for me, even 8 hours in--though in terms of progress, apparently barely halfway through the campaign.

I didn't complete it, so I'm not 100% sure of doing a full review, but some points:
• I'm not a fan of the surprising amount of platforming required versus seemingly half of every prop above waist height having an infinitely tall invisible wall over it.
• I can somewhat understand the "edge" of the story itself, but did the "this game contains scenes" splash screen have to throw in the "may cause heart failure/suicide"? Unless whichever country the devs came from made them put the warning, it feels rather extraneous.
• I think an hour could be trimmed off by having a map, or even just having the existing map images available in the Notes.

Interesting game, but campaigns are so damn long, and I washed out after about two months of off-and-on playing.

Meh. I got about halfway through the game, and it didn't click with me.

Solid post-apocalyptic-themed GZDoom mod. Definitely got both Metro and Fallout vibes (some of the menu sounds are literally from classic Fallout) from it.

(this review, in spite of Fresh Supply including Post Mortem and Cryptic Passage, is only for Episodes 1-4)
It definitely holds up pretty well, or at least, Episodes 1 and 2 do. 3 becomes more generic city levels and 4 is more straight up tedious.

Atmosphere, story, and soundtrack exceptional, especially for the time, but the gameplay is often clunky. Levels frequently being maze-like didn't make it too difficult for me--I found I was more annoyed on the levels that had too few save stations or, in one case that you will immediately recognize when you get to it, none at all.

(I had to switch computers my first time playing, and lost my progress; I think someone could complete this in about 5-6 hours)

Considering that this is the dev's first game (they started in high school), they did a pretty good job of it. Project Warlock is very Wolfenstein 3D-like in gameplay, with some light RPG elements. However, the weapon balancing could use work, the level design is hit or miss, and even on my computer (w/ Ryzen 5600G), there were some performance issues.