My favorite Quest for Glory game, and the first PC game I owned. Buggy, but unofficial patch should fix most problems

Text parser gaming, beautiful animation with only 16 colors


Beat the shareware version way back when, remains relevant with mods and GZDoom. Still feels great to play. I never finished the non-shareware campaigns, but did finish the brutal doom campaigns.

Super shotgun still one of the greatest weapons in any FPS

I haven't played it since I was young, but it didn't grab me like the others, maybe I oughtta go back and replay her. It's where I learned to play mancala, though

I play all the time, sometimes too much. Standard is boring, I play the crap out of historic artisan every time it's on midweek magic

Spent 20 hours playing GOG version of this in like 2014, still quite entertaining, but apparently the campaign was too long for me...

Spent many hours creating scenarios in the editor as a youngun, but find this less playable than the original today

They removed some functionality from actual MTG, but that didn't stop me from spending, according to steam, 276.6 hours playing this game. I miss the creative quests from this one, deal 10 damage with one creature, attack with 5 creatures in one turn. The quests in Arena are kinda lame...

It was fun! I played about 9 hours, beat the first 3 worlds, I might go back at some point, but I got distracted. Works good on steam deck except in the hub world there are frame drops. There were a couple over-difficult levels, I felt. I'm pretty sure your character is the bad guy

Comes with humble games subscription, it's like enter the gungeon plus zelda with a light crafting element. I liked it, if that sounds appealing to you....I will admit I got to he last boss, and after dying in its final form 3 or 4 times, and dying like a drillion times total, I just watched a video online of someone killing him and said, "That counts" and stopped playing...Played on steam deck, works fantastically

Corny politics, fun game

Maybe I have ADHD or something...I had no problem being captivated by Hollow Knight and continuing to play it... I never finished this game. I got stuck not making progress for a long enough time in this game that I became disinterested. It is quite beautiful, and engaging up until several rounds of backtracking and running around the whole map offered no obvious paths to follow.