I found out who either thrives or cracks under pressure out of my friends through this game

My friend and I speedrun this game trying to tower up 100 men as fast as possible

When you've played this game enough times, it becomes less scary and the more it feels like you're seriously working the night shift as a ghost hunter who's jaded and running on auto-pilot

Thank god this game was finally taken off the steam storefront

REALLY enjoyed the momentum-based movement for this game- it felt very smooth. The world-design felt a bit void and empty but I think it doesn't fully go against it as it gave ample space for the player to move around and build speed

My mom and I broke a mouse from this game

Playing as a collective hive-mind of 8 people that shares one brain cell makes you rethink your friendships

Dated with its humour and constant references, but the game isn't inherently bad. The level design was pretty fun to play through albeit a little boring

The controls were a bit lousy and the level design got really repetitive and boring. It can be a quick time-waster, but overall if you finished the first world level you've already played the whole game

A charming little game about a robot wanting to go home (as the title implies). I loved how climbing worked in this game and at the end I felt quite sentimental for the robot

An extremely short, yet complex and informative narrative that kept me unsettled for quite a while. Not because it is overtly scary in its presentation, nor does it really try to get in your face with extremely descriptive horror. Rather, because of the subtle yet loud stream of thoughts the main character feels and how they see the world. It's sad, it's disheartening, and you can't help but just wish for the best in their circumstances because you know that it's easier to think, say and hope than to directly help others or even yourself.

Even now, I still think about this game and how bleak it portrays life for others who suffer from mental illness— hell, it even got me to relive and reminisce on the darkest and absolute lowest points of my life and mental illness. This game really isn't for the faint of heart but if you can muster up the mental fortitude to be able to experience what this game has to offer for yourself, then you absolutely should. It's incredible

A game that you can say was written through "sapphic lenses". This visual novel captures the harsh difficulties a lot of queer, Asian people go through in stark detail.

From societal norms, familial expectations, lack of personal drive due to pressure, identity struggles, and many more, this game highlights many pivotal issues that affect the everyday lives of many queer people through breathtaking visuals, emotional dialogue, and overall complex (albeit sometimes a little one-note) relationships between the characters.

As someone who identifies with much of what's presented in this visual novel, I want to commend the dev for the amount of care and attention they put into the story and how it was portrayed. Not every life experience is the same, and the attempt to convey the different perspectives of each character in a way that doesn't fully vilify them for their flaws or differences is something I greatly appreciate

Overall, this is a very touching and aesthetically beautiful story that gives people the representation and hope they might want in their life— and during the time I found and played this game, it truly moved me in a way that I needed it to

Similarly to how I feel about Freedom Planet, this satisfies my craving for fast-paced 2D platformers that feels reminiscent of games like Rocket Knight Adventures and the Dimps Sonic Games. The power ups/weapons and how they're integrated into the level design is probably what reeled me in the most and made me enjoy the game as much as I did. Just like Freedom Planet, the story isn't much either, but both can be enjoyed without paying much attention to the story anyways so I don't find it as a dealbreaker.

Personally love throwing furniture out the window only for it to hit my friends straight in the face

Helps crave the itch I have for platformers that Dimps' version of Handheld Sonic left behind. The level design is great, fighting enemies doesn't cut down your pace and it's fun to find different areas to explore and speed through in each level. I didn't particularly care for the story though, which is something the game tried desperately to push. The story was way too cliche and goofy for it to be taken as seriously as they wanted us to