A rouge-lite shmup that can get pretty infuriating in terms of difficulty. I greatly enjoyed my time with this game though despite some personal gripes I have with my terrible luck in weapon upgrades

A bare bones, brain-turned-off tower defense game that doesn't really do anything exceptionally well. I don't particularly like the game assets either

I'm useless in this game so I die and just haunt everyone else that's alive until they lose their sanity

I miss this overwatch, but that might also be my nostalgia speaking. 6-stack was broken as hell but chaotic in such fun ways, and I can't believe I'm saying this, but I also kind of miss the loot boxes

Wish I could say I was good at it. Community maps make my eyes cry and my fingers shake

As a huge Jet Set Radio fan, this was a mixed bag of a game to experience. The movement and parkour aspect is actually smooth and fun to learn and play with. I wish this could be further enhanced with the world design and level design in general, but that's sadly where the game falls flat. It's hard to have fun with good movement when you don't have interesting places to utilize said movement.

Don't even get me started with the challenges- from "fun speedrun go boom to the end" to "stealth sections that feel like rage-bait". Majority of the time I found myself becoming slightly annoyed by the lack of variety in that regard.

In the end, the most fun I had with this game is just zooming around on my own accord, and that can only be so fun for so long

Everything about this game made me lose my mind in the best ways. The puzzles, music, humour, story, and even something as subtle as the robot movements left me in awe. Experiencing this game with either a friend or by yourself is a must

Thankfully got this game for free because I don't think I would've gotten this otherwise. Have spent hours on end with my friends making fake prompts about someone falling off a flight of stairs or shitting themselves or something just as absurd and stupid. Great way to bond and have a "shits and giggles" session with friends

A solid sequel and an improvement from the first game in every way. I loved the multitasking aspect of the main character's conversations- it felt anxiety-inducing in real time

Currently my first and only Monster Hunter game and oh did I ever eat this up. Extremely fun to play and the combat and open-world aspect is so addicting. Plus, cats in armour. That's all.

Cheesy and cliche as hell but not every single piece of media has to be serious and rooted in reality! At least, that's how I feel about a lot of things I enjoy. This is a cute and convenient love story on the road for these two. Personally, I would not have let some things Amber did slide, but I am willfully hoping that Amber learns through her habits and use her better judgement to be a better person for both herself and for Marina in their little fictitious relationship

It's okay. It's harmless fun and you'd probably enjoy this if you like collectathons, minecraft, and farming sims combined. But, why wouldn't you just play better games like Minecraft, Stardew Valley, Harvest Moon, or Animal Crossing?

One of the few co-op games I played with one other person where I genuinely got a little impatient. Really fun though! I'm thankful I'm still close friends with the person I played with even after all the slight banter we threw at each other from time to time

The game is jarring and ugly to look at, and if you're looking for an arcade shmup to play there's so many other alternatives that you can even download for free

Jumpscare walking simulator: the game, yet it surprisingly has a lot of charm and heart and the different campaigns are honestly impressive. I didn't expect myself to like this game so much since majority of the time I'm just pressing W and Shift, but it got to me