9 reviews liked by mxttbinghxm

Mario Kart really began to hit its stride as a series with this entry, in my opinion. This is the first one that truly got the feel of the controls perfectly to me, it’s just so smooth and responsive.

While it’s hard to pry my own nostalgia away from this review, I can barely help it. This is easily the best suite of brand new tracks any Mario Kart game has brought with it. Airship Fortress, Delfino Square, Rainbow Road, Wario Stadium, Waluigi Pinball, Peach Garden, and Tick Tock Clock are all some of the best tracks in the whole series… and that makes up nearly half of the new tracks!! The music on all these tracks are great, the synthy sounds are so fantastic. I love Rainbow Road and Figure-8 Circuits’ tracks in particular.

Plus, this game introduced online play not just for Mario Kart, but as one of the earliest Nintendo games to do it. It works so well with Mario Kart and makes it more convenient to have multiplayer fun.

Something (almost) unique to this entry is the Mission Mode, something that I feel many sleep on. They add a lot of replay ability to go for better ranks, enjoy fun twists on stages, and extend the single player offerings.

The only major downside here, is another series-first, the Retro tracks. While there are some that I enjoy like Banshee Boardwalk and Sky Garden, sadly a large chunk of the retro tracks are very simple 1st tracks from the previous entries or flat-out not fun.

This is definitely a top-shelf Mario Kart game absolutely worth playing though, even though there are newer entries people usually default to.

I think what Black Ops did with its campaign still has not been repeated in a COD game, it is a somewhat complicated, compelling, and dark story. Like every other COD game, it is a story with lots of blockbuster moments, however, it's not the main focus of the game. The actual focus is on the story itself, and the story is good. I consider this game the pinnacle of the COD campaigns, and the end of the golden era.
The multiplayer was also great, it's a bit underrated, which is understandable considering it had to follow MW2. The guns were solid and most of the maps were great. The game suffered the same as any COD game from this era, in that a select few guns were dominant, and nerfs were rarely a thing back then.
This was also the start of the Zombie Golden Age, I personally did not play much zombies, but it was always fun when I did.
Overall this game was ahead of its time, and I think it's the greatest of the series.

Bought this on Steam earlier today and the game is so underrated. Even Pattinson’s Batman film is inspired by this. Yes, Origins is basically a modded Arkham City, but don’t let that fool you, it’s a fantastic game.

It sets up the other games so well, tells a fantastic story about Batman in his younger years finding his footing, introduces some cool tech (Such as the electric gloves), and easily has the best boss fights of all the games. I love the Bane fight at the end, it was so intense, and that Deathstroke battle was much better than what he got in Arkham Knight. Joker turning out to be Black Mask is pretty disappointing, but Joker was going to show up sooner or later in the game. Roger Craig Smith was great as Batman and would probably be a worthy successor to Kevin Connery. I also liked Troy Baker as Joker.

Overall, the game gets hated on more than it should. Deserves a remaster sometime in the future.

Perfection. Just Chefs Kiss. Mwah

This was just a blast. And an absolutely insane game. It was baso just an improvement on the first game. They didn’t try and change the gameplay or movement too much, they just focused on the story and making it as fun and amazing as possible. Fantastic

Very happy we are back to the old style of assassins creed games. It’s still not on the level of the ezio games, ac1 or 3 but it was so much better than the previous 3 games. Was quite buggy for me at times which did frustrate me but overall it was solid

Oh my god this game was perfect. It exceeded my expectations by so much, Markus and Connor are two 10/10 characters, I think the beauty of this game is depending on the options you choose, your characters can be completely different to someone else’s, like my Markus could act completely different to someone else’s Markus. This definitely entered my top 5

This is like the mario game I think of when someone says mario