26 reviews liked by myboyfozzy

This is like if someone decided to make Poker 2. Or Go Fish 2. Except, it’s Russian Roulette 2.

More like Mega Man 5/10 am I right

Okay but made by white people

add Bob as DLC and ill consider changing the score

I don't get it. The older he gets, the more Kojima just disappears up his own ass with his baffling storytelling and exhausting cut scenes.

The audio mixing is all over the place, but it's a pretty good licensed first person shooter. RoboCop also goes to therapy and that's pretty cool.

An excellent Game for all Robocop Fans. Yes, it has it's flaws and Players, who didn't get in touch with the movies might have a rather more difficult time to enjoy this one. I had a lot of fun playing this game, and was overwhelmed by it's love for details.

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Miles is nearly a non-entity in this, not sure why they bothered introducing him into this universe and giving him his own game if this is what they had planned for him. I guess you could say that Miles is given the “friendly neighbourhood” stuff and Peter gets the large scale stuff but what Miles is doing is so dull and generic and even a little patronising (“funk is the direct line to hip hop”). It’s funny that the game ends with Peter getting to live a normal life and Miles has to be Spider-Man. He doesn’t even finish his essay! The Martin Li sections are pretty inspired though. Kraven is one of the worst villains I’ve seen recently; a paper thin character with zero relevance to the overall story, existing only so the Spider-Men have an army to fight. The swinging looks cool but has no depth, you will have mastered it in an hour and the game doesn’t have any meaningful challenges related to traversal. This game gestures towards a lot of things and reiterates the same points repeatedly (how many times do I have to hear Miles be upset about Peter abruptly hanging up on him without any further complication to their relationship) but never expands upon them. This isn’t an issue exclusive to this game, but the Symbiote allows them to avoid resolving any of the conflict in the story by blaming it on the Symbiote. It’s not satisfying or rewarding to sit through hours of rising tensions between Peter and MJ/Harry/Miles and have it all swept away once he takes the Symbiote off. Most of the abilities and gadgets serve the same function. I did like levelling up and seeing what hideous new suit I’d unlocked, how do you make a Spider-Man game and have a suit selection this poor. It really bothered me that the very lovely Howard mission has an excellent use of music and then they have Peter talk through most of the song.

Tbf, the game does get really cool when Venom finally shows up (over 70% into the game!!!)

There isn't a problem in this game that can't be solved by punching it.