Kraven the Hunter is one of the worst villains I've seen in any game. I'm not convinced that this apex hunter from Russia who's on a mission to find his match in a battle to the death would have billionaire funds funneled into hiring an infinite number of goons, warships and robots to bring the prey for him. I'm not convinced that his placement in the narrative means anything considering he only exists to pad out the game with his goons and to build up the real conflict in the game. I'm just not convinced.

Absolutely wonderful sequel that improves and remixes upon pretty much everything the first game had to offer, but it's advancements are understated by it being as long as the first game.

The three weapons system is what sets this game apart from its predecessor, giving you free range for how you want to play. Each weapon has their own unique way of imbuing it with its respective element, but the elements don't serve any other purpose that to increase your dps, which enables the player to steamroll every enemy and take out chunks of bosses health with ease.

There's honestly nothing wrong with that, I just wish they gamified your weapons and their capabilities, something like having enemies be way more susceptible to certain elemental damage, even going as far as having enemies be immune to physical damage, necessitating you to imbue your weapons. Playing around with that concept would have made for really interesting encounters that forced you to think about what to use at which time, as opposed to a game of optimizing your damage as efficiently as possible, this is not that type of game to me, even though its a souls-like. Air veredicto over and over gets stale pretty quickly.

And because the weapons are oh-so strong, it really hastens your pace of the game, making this one feel way shorter than the first despite them being pretty much as long as each other, which doesn't make sense for a sequel.

These are all nitpicks in the face of how great this game is though, the game kitchen is so passionate about this series, never would I have expected blasphemous to get a sequel within 4 years if it's release especially considering the art involved, even after beating I'm still like "I can't believe they made a sequel already".

My best friend and I love this game so much. One time I saw him chop a guy's head off, skewer it onto his sword and start eating it as if he was Baraka. An absolute great time We are not normal

This is what Street Fighter V wanted to be but was too scared to commit to anything that progressed the series forward. It's a complete package and so addictive. I like blanka-chan.


Very fun and silly gorefest, weapons and boss fights are creative, but it generally leans on the tech-demo side. Has probably one of the worst final bosses ever in any game I've played which drops this game down from a 3 to a 2 me. It's that bad.

This is probably just childhood bias, but this is THE hidden object game (series) to me. It's got a pretty silly narrative, yet the music is the most tense and scary soundtrack I've heard in a game that isn't a horror game, and then you just hear Mr Krabs walking noise for no reason. Classic.

Inscryption is one of those games that was love on first sight, watching that initial trailer piqued my interest, thinking this'd be a very cool narrative experience of a game for a little bit. But the game gave me so much more than I expected it to give me. Easily pierced my list of top 10 games ever.