4 reviews liked by myladysprout

ive been obsessed with this for too long
all the quests and things you can do make my brain go brr

Cute and cozy Disney village game. For when I want to turn my brain off and drink some tea and light some candles.

The Witcher 3 is the best game from CDPR, period! The gameplay is basic and can be quite boring when you are hours into the game but everything else is just perfect. The world building is great, every 30 - 45 seconds you find something new to explore when traversing the land with possible danger luring around. Main questline is great and offers many choices that can change the outcome for not only the ending of the general game but also the ending of certain characters and how much impact they have on the story moving forward. Side missions also have an impact on the story and it's ending or how it might turn out which gives you a reason to complete them and not let them hang about. The witcher contracts are a nice side activity if you're bored of doing quests or want to blow some steam, they're quite realistic to the books and make you feel like Geralt of Rivia as the game intends you to.

A game as good as it is depressing

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