when I was younger my Mom accidentally snapped the disc in half for this game. At the time I was upset about it but looking back it may have been an act of god. Divine intervention. Thanks mom

Great Game! If I had one complaint, they made it a bit too easy to unlock Luigi. I found him almost immediately. Other than that, great game!

bisexual culture: having to choose between Casey Jones and April O'Neil

the game told me to kill myself 10/10

RIP George Orwell you would've loved Cruelty Squad

walked outside my ship and got jumped by 6 Freddy Fazbears

This review has been hacked only Wallace or Kim stans can like it

update: Don Flamenco is dead. New nemesis King Hippo

If I EVER catch Don Flamenco in real life on the street that man is going to die

renting this from the library at a young age probably did irreparable damage to my brain

is this an allegory for being trans

a great game to play on my phone outside the therapist office

I am going to KILL those little frog guys from the tree zone. In real life.

Literally crying and panicking and hyperventilating this is the scariest experience of my entire life