only thing that could've fixed it is a bingo minigame

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Oh boy! I sure do love my beloved rat boy Richter :3! I sure hope nothing bad happens to hi-

i like the sequel a little more but this is still fire

better call saul season 7 looking lit

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so it turns out im a girl

Leon upon seeing the most horrific creature ever witnessed by the human eye:

This "game..."
How would you go about "reviewing" it?
That's it! I've made my decision! I'm going to give it a "Five Star Rating!"

"Are you ready to learn how to make a real game?"
Hideo Kojima shuddered.
Toby Fox gulped.
Gabe Newell breathed heavily.
John Romero panicked.
"Yes Garfield Kart" they all said in unison

what's great is it's the exact same thing but worse

This is one of two games I have %100 at this moment in time. I don't know why. I don't even really like this game. I have %100 it anyways. Please help me.

Literally crying and panicking and hyperventilating this is the scariest experience of my entire life

I am going to KILL those little frog guys from the tree zone. In real life.