like a really bad version of DOOM 2016, it feels incredibly clunky

evolution and advancement of the horror shitposting genre

poop killer rises from the grave

it okay, the core gameplay is okay the roleplay really makes it

osrs gives a very specific itch being between not quite afkable like Melvor but not being high effort. i like it a lot because i can enjoy what i like without feeling like im missing out

bad monetiziation, gameplay itself is definitely a videogame

Genuinely like this game but the MTX/Double exp/other xp nonsense kinda ruin it since it makes "grinding" not worth doing.

that said, combat is cool, upgrades are cool, if no mtx, probably would've been a 4/5

it's gotten a lot better since launch, but most of the maps are still garbage, feels like a massive downgrade from bf5 and bf1

feels like OG chivarly but they didn't learn the lessons from mordhau, you can still do the wacky stuff from chivalry 1. I also don't like the progression system, it feels slow and since upgrades aren't technically "better", the linear upgrade path feels awkward and unrewarding.

also the maps are super mega giga unbalanced

you get what you get, theres a catastrophic need for people to touch grass in this game

Runs really bad
Gameplay is cool but quickly becomes spammy and lazy as the game takes a nosedive after the Lu Bu fight, very low enemy variety.

cao cao himself is rolling in his grave to the war crimes that happened in that writers room for this game

gotten better over the years, DECA doing a good job (i think) trying to make things more relevant, but it does feel like difficulty is not scaling with reward sometimes. also this game sucks if you dont buy a buncha shit with real money (ie. bank slots and character slots)

editing for season 3, it's still deep rock, so good community, good devs, but still lacks variety in guns (overclocks feel like a wasted opportunity)