4 Reviews liked by natalum

I used to say Mario 64 was my favorite 3D platformer, but not after this game. I practically play it every day just to tinker with mods from the incredible community this game has. I've put an embarassing amount of hours into it and by the time 3.0 comes around I think everyone will see what I've been seeing since 2.2 but for now I'm greatly anticipating 2.3.

It lacks polish but it’s a very fun Smash clone. I wish there was a bit more to it, like some kind of story mode or extra gameplay modes, but it’s still surprisingly fun. With a few patches here and there and DLC, this could be a very fun Smash clone

Legend of Zelda: Orcarina of Time is the worst game I have ever played in my life. Every aspect of the game was developed by monkeys, and it shows.
As a follow-up to the NES hit, Zelda II: Link's Adventure, Nintendo wanted to approach this game with a more minimalist mentality. So on a shoestring budget of fourteen dollars, Timecube Miyazaki got drunk and made this game in a weekend. But accidentally, Nintendo shipped the game into stores, forcing Nintendo to enter bankruptcy.
So where do I start with a travesty like this? The controls range from floaty and imprecise, to completely broken. Riding the horsie fucking sucks. The rhythm minigames are ripping off Guitar Hero. What the heck is wrong with you Nintendo?
Visually though, the game is a masterpiece of sucking dick. The graphics look like they blindfolded a dolphin and said "surf's up, dude" and threw him into a fuckin box of crayons. The game looks like gay play-doh. And guess what? There's no multiplayer. THERE'S. NO. MULTIPLAYER.
Ummm, zerooo.

Tobias Foxworth is going to struggle to find random cartoon voice samples to base his soundtrack off of