10 reviews liked by negrut007

the game about nothing

I liked this quite a bit. It's a quiet and contemplative experience chock full of decent puzzle elements to keep you intrigued and a few non-human enemies to dispatch in a sparing way now and again.

Some puzzles and checkpoints are quite infuriating, however, and the camera angling does you few favours. The 'rage' mechanic is extremely hit-and-miss right up to the end and on top of that - there's some very buggy areas.

I played this on the PSP and it looked incredible for that system. It's well-lit and has very crisp details despite the graphical downgrade. perhaps some of the control issues I had are due to that system, but looking at video walkthroughs (which were a godsend), it seems those playing on the PS3 had similar issues.

Fun overall but I doubt I'll replay this one.

Imagine if you could control this game.

Emotionally strong when with the boys, undercooked in every thing outside of that.

A very fun journey that could've been incredible with more cohesion.

An interesting change to the final fantasy formula that loses its mind in its final act.

played with my wife (and one CPU) over the course of a week for 30 hours and was one of the most emotional experiences i've ever had with a game. we banded together against the CPU guy who, without fucking fail, ALWAYS rolled exactly what he needed to get where he wanted and had ungodly luck - until he was repeatedly sent to Brazil, foot-blistered, purse-cuttered, and killed only to revive back in Brazil. little did my gorgeous partner know, however, that i was only leveraging our mutual hatred of the CPU to get the heat off myself. i became an unstoppable killing machine, i got so rich Dr. Exile meant nothing, only to attain a hollow victory. i did nasty shit. evil shit. she got a cool shield that reflected attacks, i killed her and took it. i'm not proud. i don't love what i learned about myself through this game. i don't love circling around an exit for a week, the bullshit of unlocking the Acrobat and Hero, the way the cpu kept saying 'shazbot' making me cringe every time, or the music in the tower of rabble - but i do love my wife. and i loved the time i spent with her playing this. it was fun :)

General slavery simulator. Can't wait for illegal mods to happen!

i can still hear "ACTIVATING COMBAT MODE" in my nightmares sometimes

It’s Final Fantasy Tactics meets Age of Empires. One of the things I love about this era of games is that genres had not yet been well defined, and developers could get away with doing things like this.