A very "turn your brain off" kind of game, Conquest is still very competitive and enjoyable however, but thats not enough to save it.

Very short game, cutscenes are just ripped from the movie (as well as the entire story). It's very unstable on PC and has some issues with rotating levers. One of the less good games TT made. Still. its the only real lego game based on Ninjago.

Had to play for a while until it got enjoyable, a great shooter that can be either very difficult or just hard enough to not get boring, can be enjoyed just fine with matchmaking.

A very addicting Game Dev game, not entirely realistic but significantly more enjoyable than Game Dev Tycoon and other Game Dev games

Way too ambitious for it's time, even with Daggerfall Unity it's still a hard game to recommend. Theres a bunch of things that you look at and say "oh thats neat" and then move on in the Huge 10 layer dungeons the game offers, just to find a single book so you can complete a quest and get 5 reputation and 100 gold.

A fun dungeon crawler, the main story gets significantly better if you read the Biography of Barenziah books available in the other TES games. Very archaic tough, very repetitive with little to no side content.

Do i really have to say anything? If you haven't played already, do so, a masterpiece and the best game from the best years of videogames, catapulted the launch of Steam and the Source engine, allowing games like Portal 2, Left 4 Dead and Counter Strike Global Offensive to exist.

One of my all time comfort games. Josh Strive Hayes mentioned how it is a MMO for people who already played MMOs before, can't agree more, it has a terrible new player experience but some of the best Star Wars stories i played.

I started playing in 2015 and got Legendary (finishing all 8 class stories) around 2019.

The absolute GOAT of the Sims games, it is more detailed than all the other games and way more enjoyable and in depth. The lack of open world really makes the game run well, and the characters not being unrealistic plastic pieces like in 4 make it stand out compared to the other ones.

A great sequel to LSW TCS, but it feels too repetitive for my taste, the space missions are also kinda lame.

Very enjoyable game, loved every second of it, despite it being significantly longer than all other LEGO games i played. Despite the levels being shorter, and the lack of character creator, theres a lot of areas to visit that are very enjoyable to explore.

One of the best lego experiences, played the Remaster on PC and had a blast, the characters are likable, the story is enjoyable and there is a lot of collectables, a shame that Chase just fell into the underused LEGO characters club.

a little bit short, 15 levels instead of LB1 30 levels, some annoyances like not being able to move while the game is saving, and tank controls while flying make the game overall less enjoyable than later LEGO games