When people ask me what’s so special about Mario, I can’t help but just point them towards this game and gush. I have friends who aren’t as into gaming, or Nintendo, as I am. They’ve played fantastic games like Elden Ring or God of War and don’t see how these games could hold up to something of that scale. In my opinion, Mario is about as video game as a game can be, and that’s why I love them so much. Nonstop fun and whimsy all throughout his games, and especially in galaxy. It does everything a game needs to do, which is entertain you as much as possible. Everything from the incredible level design on display, to the mind boggling mechanics of gravitational platforming, and the musical score that stands in the hall of fame of video game music. Every aspect of this game was treated with love and attention. Even the narrative of this game stands head and shoulders above any other Mario platformer, and induces a unique sense of sadness or loss. Mario Galaxy understands that space is a lonely place, a cold place devoid of life, and so it makes those moments of warmth and fun all the more meaningful. Absolutely one of my all time favorites, please play it if you haven’t and I hope you come to love it the way I do.

After playing the original 2004 edition ever since I could think, this remake has done what I thought was impossible and upheld the original magic I felt playing this game. Everything from the new visuals, lighting, and quality of life changes have been a joy to see. While not always a good change, they are clearly made with care by people who really appreciated the original game and wanted to do right by it. The only complaint I possibly have is the 30fps cap, but with emulation and switch 2 on the horizon, I don’t think it’ll be an issue for long. Overall a fantastic game and if you consider yourself a Mario or an rpg fan, this needs to be on your must play list.

Easily one of the best games I have ever played. After playing bloodborne and getting into the series, DS3 is what made me truly fall in love with the souls games. Fast paced combat with a beautiful art style, an intriguing world, and the most consistent boss roster fromsoftware has produced to date. Including the DLCs as well, it stands as a triumph of the studio and a fantastic game. Absolute banger