very good game. too many party members and mech progression exhausting.

the best game ever made but im not putting it on my profile as such because that's boring. idgaf

fun gameplay. bad little story and quests.

barreled through this to prep for the sequel out today. very spanish and nasty!

it's furry mahjong. what more do you people need!!!

less compelling characters and world-building but you get to use a giant poison censer for the entire game 😍

this is going on hiatus from overexposure sickness. love ya mizora

makes me wish i had a funny little accent i could try to hide

bank + observatory levels are insane S-tier nonsense. funny balance of some systems having no depth and some having incredible depth that could not possibly be warranted by any amount of the headshotting everyone in the game from a distance I did. anyway great game

oh i forgot to log this sorry. game of the year

played this on switch now i'm playing it again on ps5. love wins

fancam of sonon spitting blood on me

mostly terrible story. good crafting