5 Reviews liked by noga

Cool game that didn't deserve the redditification it got on the public eye

It's funny, my mom got this for me from a yard sale when we still lived in Puerto Rico and it was an All-in-1 Cartridge with an R4 expansion. Flower, Sun, and Rain was one of the 60 games in it, and it was the only one out of those games I was mesmerized by as a wee lad. Good thing too since it introduced me to the KTP series without me knowing it. I'd then on to play No More Heroes on Wii and Killer7 on PS2 in the following years, and it was cool as hell.

no other game will ever match fucking insane experience of seeing garcian in the final chapter, looking up who is responsible for the fantastic performance of this character, and finding out its fucking grim from billy and mandy