unironically the first multiplayer fps i ever touched. this shit was like bf3 on an ice cube and dryer lint. 1 star for being an og

Boss ass game the culmination of horror survival loot grabby grabby makes replaying so much fun, i hurt from laughing at this game every sequence every death is like a movie on its own, top 5 co-op games for me cute graphics crazy DRG vibes

this game ended up being a lot less in-depth than I imagined. I felt a majority of the quests didnt require much thought just walk & talk. Travel became so tedious after the 8th trip down the same road with the same dudes on it thank god combat saved this game hard. I made the mistake of starting magey boy but after switching some real fun began. It was easy to ignore how shallow the RPG elements were while murdering fools, I just wish the boss enemies had bigger balls to grab onto and punch. Anyway this game scratched my hack and slash monsters itch very well and not much else, true ending title reveal was hella cool but after the ENTIRE GAME cmon bruh. my ass doesn't want start ng+ just to walk across the world again 30 times I got brain blisters from that. Gonna let some dust settle before this little adventure again. FINAL THOUGHT, Man every motherfucker in the galaxy wanna go on a jaunt but don't wanna put out afterwords .. Like What are we even doing here This game is NOT HORNY ENOUGH

bascially this game was on ds and couldn't have autobots and decepticons in the same game. so my dope ass got the decepticons. shit was cool as hell first transformers game for me.

frankenstein ass game i sincerely think this awful

how to tell if your friends are slow

man i played this shit on my kindle fire never got past the 2nd level i got lost 2=2

trying to understand this game when it came out made my brain melt i literally cant remember getting past the first 3 enemies