trying to understand this game when it came out made my brain melt i literally cant remember getting past the first 3 enemies

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special game from my childhood. i did the slingshot jump every time i booted. never progressed passed peter getting black suit cuz it was DOPE AS FUK

i bought this game on most platforms, 90% of the fps DOG in me comes from the lessons learned in this fucking battlefield

first stealth game i touched i thought i was so cool for liking this shit in 2012 this game is special tho fr

years spent on this crap im so glad i have this mechanical skill
5+ years on this hoe =5

fov hurt my balls but i love slashing red doritos with my machete. dope ass map dope ass characters

first assassins creed game i got my nubs on so sick. smosh parody was crazy asl. never beat it tho SORRY

first racing game for your boy. fucking levolution mid race. easy bots only byee

imagine being 9 years old and ur batman yep coolest shit ever but i got so lost

unironically the first multiplayer fps i ever touched. this shit was like bf3 on an ice cube and dryer lint. 1 star for being an og

i played this shit way too late and the amount of random game modifications to get this running was nuts, but wandering around with the radio vibes made my balls vibrate. three dog was real