7 reviews liked by nyxifloof

This game is the pinnacle of the sims. There is nothing better than this game. The Sims 4 WISHES that it was this game. But it's not. Maxis peaked here before the capitalistic overlord EA Games bought them out and the soul in this franchise was lost forever. They just don't do it like this anymore. Where's the charm. Where's the LOVE. Where's the PASSION??? It died with the Sims 2. That's where it went. Eat my entire ass EA.

nobody did it like Speedy Eggbert

this is the game that makes you a gamer

A game that needs more than a few hundred words to describe how perfect it is and why it ages like fine wine the older it gets and you. Microcosm of cause and effect under the blanket of impending doom and the feelings that are garnered from hyperawareness of your mortality. Beautiful, haunting, and endlessly curious. My favorite game ever.

Masterpiece of the highest form