28 reviews liked by octopox

Why do the characters look like a Fortnite TF2 love child?

This review was written before the game released

Austin Powers deserves to have a spot in this game's roster.

He would play similarly to Phoenix Wright in UMvC3 with a Mojo Meter being the center of his character. regular attacks and special attacks would fill it up slightly but the big way to fill it would be through taunting.

He would have the longest taunts in the game (obviously based on classic scenes from the trilogy, Austin on the bed, Austin as a photographer, etc) that leave him wide open to attacks but as a reward they massively boost the Mojo Meter.

in Mojo Mode, his attacks increase in damage, extending in range with fancy 60s era effects, while Soul Bossa Nova plays. Male characters also do .75 damage to Austin and Female characters do .50 percent damage to Austin when he is in Mojo Mode.

His alternate costumes would be easy, just give him recolours based on his suits like Snake in Brawl.

This is not a bit. I would main Austin Powers.

Although Iron Giant shouldn’t be fighting, the fact that he’s paired with Superman shows that someone on the development team actually watched Iron Giant which is more than you can say for Ready Player One

I'll fully admit BattleBlock Theater isn't the most...sophisticated of 2D platformers, in more ways than one. A lot of my fondness for it is due to childhood nostalgia. Even so, it holds up incredibly well in 2024.

The aesthetics are very charming, capturing that Newgrounds artstyle very well while also sporting some wonderful details. The music absolutely slaps too, with the time trial and final level themes being personal favorites of mine. And the narrator is actually pretty funny! A large part of it is due to the performance, but there's some really good dialogue for him, the "pathological liar" bit being one of my favorites.

The gameplay is also fantastic. Your character is very responsive, easy to understand, and even has some nuance to their movement, like how you can double jump in midair with good timing or use the different weapons to sequence-break. The level design, while pretty simplistic, does a very good job consistently introducing new gimmicks and switching things up in a way that feels both fresh and fun. And that's not even mentioning the co-op, versus, and level editor modes, which add tons of really fun content.

And I really love the horses in this game. They're just these strange, cubic creatures and they're beautiful.

this game has the best narrator in any game ever



Too Hard.

It Hurt My Feelings.

Joker Has Lightning????????????

Actually That's Kinda Badass.

I'm Todd MacFarlane.

Fuck it, this is a good ass fucking video game. In the context of the era, this would have been a great game on it's own, disregarding the source material. Movie video games are very rarely ever even close to good these days (if they even get any attention at all), and this is the perfect example of what they could be. Fun and quite varied gameplay with a lot of thought put into unique mechanics, puzzles, and world design, often with some decent difficulty. Played the shit out of this when I was younger and went back to it a few years back, and I still think it's great for it's era.

Surprisingly fun platformer, both on PS2 and GBA, although the PS2 version is better. Even has some side minigames you can play through arcade cabinets