This game is so good, but the politics are so crazy, the decisions are so hard later in the game, it gets legit crazy‼️😭😭 love it tho

100% it

Random ass lego game that dont really make sense but lowkey fire just for the achievements‼️‼️

Loved it at first, but then i started playing new vegas and noticed how much this game lacks on the rpg stuff‼️😭😭

100% all achievements, yall aint got shit on me‼️‼️🔥 better than mario kart unironically

eh game, hard levels, and mediocre level design...

that door level took me forever!

loved it!


pretty good for a mobile game tbh

I like this game but sadly I think lego batman 2 is better

I'm not good at this game :(

its good! But not better than portal 2