7 reviews liked by oktambor

I initially wanted to rate it 4/5 but seeing its low star rating rn pushes me to give it 5/5
It's a really great game, its pure art how well this game was made, seeing other ppl rate it as low as 3* just makes me think;

You can shine, no matter what you're made of 🌟

this game fkd me up

the OST is crazy

I decided to replay this throughout Easter events the past few days and if you really want to play Kanto for some reason even though it's easily the most boring region out of the older regions, this is the version of Kanto to play. It has a pretty good soundfont from the Game Boy Advanced, easily the best post-game out of the Kanto games, and no shitty rival replacement on Blue.

I decided to skip a Johto game for now since I don't have very fond feelings towards the structure of those games, but man I love Hoenn's dex. It has probably the most stacked starters out of any of the regions, like for crying out loud there's MUDKIP, my goat. Everything they do new in Emerald compared to Ruby and Sapphire is also very fun, while also allowing you to catch what were previously version exclusives. Even Platinum didn't let you do that. My only problem is that Hoenn is a jagged mess of a region design where you kinda have to look up a guide on where to go. There were so many cases of backtracking, especially around the 4-5th gym areas. It might've been the first time I actually used the map in one of the games outside of for flying. Overall, a good Pokemon game, Wallace is king, and no I'm not doing Battle Frontier.

Skyrim, the game that turned me from a skeptic to an addict, I didnt like RPGs at all back then but still decided to give it a chance. Started on a crappy PC, barely hanging on at 800x600, but damn, that first dragon changed everything. I got immersed in the quests, spells, and yeah, even the modding chaos. Spent more time fixing mods than playing sometimes, but still, love it. Skyrim's like that rebellious friend you can't shake off – glitches, crashes, and all. A rollercoaster that keeps pulling me back for another round.

Left 4 dead 2 Is that cool game I respected from afar but never played much. Gave it a shot, had a decent two-hour stint, but immediatly tapped uninstall cuz of the lack of content. It's like the acquaintance you spend a short time with, recognize the cool factor, but somehow it doesn't become a long-term friendship.