Very unique experience, really long at like 90 hours
if you enjoy reading about disturbed people coping with tragedy you'll have a great time

Fun game that tried to do something different with Sessions in the battle systems. No real complaints besides lack of fast travels and no instant skipping the sessions, they are numerous towards the end of the game.

I don't think I'm super qualified to rate shmups, especially not horizontal ones, but it was very fun. LOVE the Yousuke Yasui music, ship customization is fun too

Fun action rpg roguelike that lets you get crazy stats and gear like usual for a NIS game. Also lets you create or import custom sprite art for your characters

191 hours between all 8 of the chapters I read.

Pacing issues.

You should probably still check it out!

idk if this counts as finishing a full game but hey, i'll take it

Awesome open world soulslike
You've heard it all.
it's also super fun to play with friends on the seamless mod, give it a go

blazing fast compared to my boomer hunters like MHF and MHFU but it's hella fun and great to play conveniently with friends

Find the Karasawa and ruin this game!
AC1 is way better than I expected, I actually grew up with 2, not this one so I didn't quite have the nostalgia glasses. Despite this it was way FASTER than I thought it would be, the movement is awesome once you get the controls down. The music is also amazing as expected.

73 hours, super fun
i love the strategy of your deceptively simple Alicesoft battle systems, and the characters and story were great. I even didn't see a twist coming. The art was also hot thanks Mr. Senran Kagura

Nice to finally beat this one after all these years, I started the series with EO2 and it was very nostalgic for me.