So many tropes and borderline annoying characters (🧸) yet this game still pops into my head years after beating it and I wish I could experience it for the first time again. This game has a soul and a heart, and while the gameplay is pretty standard the story and especially the characters take this to something else completely. A personal favourite I guess, perfectly imperfect.

An all around improvement on the first portal, fantastic co-op, so much personality

In its prime it was different bro

The jet ski level can suck the fattest dick

I adore this game, but I literally cannot replay it out of the fear it won’t live up to the game I remember as playing as a kid in my head when I had no experience with games like this

This game could have been so much more than it was and as much as I want to love it I can’t. It doesn’t give me that same feeling beating the first one did, where I thought about it days after I finished it. Which is a shame because the swinging, the visuals, the voice acting are absolutely fantastic. I feel the gameplay slightly regressed, especially stealth and felt like Miles and Peter were too similar with not enough to differentiate them as their own characters, and as they are both the main characters per say they both end up getting the short end of the stick in one way or another, whether it’s Miles being basically forgotten about and reduced to a ‘revenge’ arc against Martin Li, or Peter who doesn’t really get enough time with the symbiote to feel the weight of its loss.