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23 hrs ago

kryst4line completed Bokura

23 hrs ago

23 hrs ago

23 hrs ago

23 hrs ago

kryst4line is now playing Swag & Sorcery

1 day ago

Lynxelot commented on fascinator's list please just play the originals...
iunno i think there's absolutely some merit in localized accents for virtue of representation -- at least from what i'm aware of dq's scottish dialogue is some of the only relatively accurate usage of it in gaming in general. not exactly minority rep but i appreciate the recognition of that as being a thing.

also bdsp aren't really the same game as platinum and while i wholly agree that playing platinum instead of any other sinnoh game is the right play 100% of the time, if i'm specifically looking to not play platinum i'd still rather play bdsp for them being more streamlined and quick feeling than dp even if they look like dogshit

i don't think i've ever seen mario 64 ds be considered a replacement before but i'll believe it. that one's especially weird cause it's probably got the most readily accessible original game out of anything on this list by a pretty wide margin. helps that the game is so short that the incentive to go try the original is practically baked into it if someone likes it enough

2 days ago

Kipik completed Otogirisou

2 days ago

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