please just play the originals...

games with remakes/remasters that get touted as being "replacements" for the originals when they really, really aren't. maybe a bit biased because i'm very anti-remake typically outside of remasters with respect for the art direction. some of these are better than not experiencing the game at all if its that drastic of a situation, but not most of them. reasoning for each game listed in the notes, please read them before getting really mad at me

somewhat of a companion list to "remakes i actually like"

Demon's Souls
Demon's Souls
complete destruction of the original artistic intent for the sake of making a ps5 tech demo. disgusting
Dragon Quest IV: Chapters of the Chosen
Dragon Quest IV: Chapters of the Chosen
the nes game had a bit less of a grounded art direction due to hardware limitations so the art direction doesn't bug me, but the localization style starting from here is just awful unless it's somehow your speed. maybe a lot less of a charming game detached from its nes roots. would probably not be on this list if not for the english localization
Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly Bride
Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly Bride
modern dragon quest localizations are pretty bad unless its specifically something you're into, and 5 is lucky enough to have both of its other versions translated by fans. the game is also a lot more charming and easier to be forgiving of its flaws when experiencing it as an early snes title imo. would probably not be on this list if not for the english localization
Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Revelation
Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Revelation
i can kind of get this one because the originals fan translation is unfinished and buggy, but you miss out on so much with the new localization and the lack of the original art direction. dragon quest 6 is maybe the game that looks the absolute worst in dq7 ps1's art style
Dragon Quest VII: Fragments of the Forgotten Past
Dragon Quest VII: Fragments of the Forgotten Past
butchers the original game into something more "palatable" to people who wouldn't enjoy dragon quest 7 anyway. feels slower than the original despite being shorter because of how much the pace is tampered with, and the moment to moment gameplay feels worse because 2d random encounter designed dungeons have 3d encounters randomly thrown in. only play this if you experience the video game equivalent of being a pouty baby who won't eat what's on their plate. equally as disgusting as the demon's souls remake to me
Final Fantasy VII: Ever Crisis
Final Fantasy VII: Ever Crisis
why would you experience final fantasy 7 in this way
Final Fantasy VII Remake
Final Fantasy VII Remake
maybe the most obvious literally since the "remake" is way more of a reimagining than anything
Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
making gaiden more misogynist is insane when it has the most basic "women are equally as valuable as men" narrative ever. the new music and art direction is great and all but its hard to get over how weird this game is towards women
Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land
Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land
nes version looks and sounds nicer
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D
i'm sure you've all seen the video by now
Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes
Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes
really cool as its own thing or a companion piece to mgs2, but please for the love of god play the original first
NieR Replicant ver.1.22474487139...
NieR Replicant ver.1.22474487139...
maybe a personal one but i feel like the art style shift does a ton to undermine the vibes of the original. there's a fan translation patch for nier ps3 but this one is a lot more understandable if you cant run rpcs3 on your computer
Persona 3 Reload
Persona 3 Reload
with the dlc its just fes with worse art direction and worse music. literally no reason to play this unless you're scared of the playstation 2. if you want the male party member character expansion it's basically all ripped from kotone's route in p3p with any subtext made as blatant as possible anyway
Pokémon Brilliant Diamond
Pokémon Brilliant Diamond
literally just play platinum dude. if you dont want to play platinum diamond and pearl literally look prettier dude
Shadow of the Colossus
Shadow of the Colossus
similar situation to demon's souls remake, maybe a bit less severe
Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town
Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town
gay marriage is available through mods so all you're missing out on by playing a modded version of the original is the worse art style the remakes bring and character customization
Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life
Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life
see story of seasons friends of mineral town
Super Mario 64 DS
Super Mario 64 DS
Trials of Mana
Trials of Mana
why would you play a mediocre looking 3d game with bad voice acting when you could play the beautiful super nintendo version without bad voice acting?
Yakuza Kiwami
Yakuza Kiwami
destroys the tone and atmosphere, adds in worthless story moments, and makes the ost worse. can't think of a single thing this remake does right
Yakuza Kiwami 2
Yakuza Kiwami 2
dragon engine feels bad and this game is very green. if you're playing a dragon engine game on pc there's no reason you couldn't emulate a ps2 in this day and age


28 days ago

oh my godd it pains me so bad that people prefer that ugly ass 3d trials of mana remake over the original... they massacred my boy

Also i didnt know the eng localization of dqiv was bad... its actually my favorite dragon quest lol, is it really that different from the nes version?

28 days ago

@moschidae yeah its pretty radically different. the old localizations arent the best, but while dragon quest does have a sillier tone at times the new localizations go completely overboard with accents, random name changes, and humor/brevity in moments where it really doesn't belong. the only things i like about the new localizations are the monster and spell names lol

28 days ago

I havent played many dq games so I kind of just assumed they were all like that, but the over the top accents/humor is kinda my least favorite part about it. Next time i feel like playing an rpg ill probably check out the original nes version ^_^ thank u!

28 days ago

@moschidae no problem! yeah no over the top accents and humor is very much an 8-onward thing localization wise and it's probably my biggest problem with the series at this point. there's been stuff that makes it work imo, the 10 fan translation for example finds a good middle ground between accents and humor in appropriate moments compared to what we get officially, but as it stands now it's kind of something i have to pretend isn't there to enjoy a lot of these games :(

27 days ago

Surprised not seeing the Ratchet and Clank reboot on here as it just kinda shits all over what the original set out to do

27 days ago

i dont like ratchet and clank and dont keep up with anything regarding it so i didnt even know it had a remake tbh

27 days ago

iunno i think there's absolutely some merit in localized accents for virtue of representation -- at least from what i'm aware of dq's scottish dialogue is some of the only relatively accurate usage of it in gaming in general. not exactly minority rep but i appreciate the recognition of that as being a thing.

also bdsp aren't really the same game as platinum and while i wholly agree that playing platinum instead of any other sinnoh game is the right play 100% of the time, if i'm specifically looking to not play platinum i'd still rather play bdsp for them being more streamlined and quick feeling than dp even if they look like dogshit

i don't think i've ever seen mario 64 ds be considered a replacement before but i'll believe it. that one's especially weird cause it's probably got the most readily accessible original game out of anything on this list by a pretty wide margin. helps that the game is so short that the incentive to go try the original is practically baked into it if someone likes it enough

19 days ago

theres definitely representational merit in regards to the dq localizations but i feel like thats overshadowed with how arbitrary it all is and how hard to parse some of the accents are, especially scottish in dq4. if it was just that on its own i would even disagree but its so many little things that are changed to service those changes and other changes just add up to a lot that i don't care for overall personally

19 days ago

I'm gonna play Super Mario 64 DS

19 days ago

Wheres No More Heroes: Hero's Paradise?

19 days ago

never played it

19 days ago

Idk man, I can vouch for radically different games certainly not being a replacement for the originals like FF7 Remake, sure. But a lot of these just happen to be a lot more accessible. You say there is literally no reason to play P3R for example, but I personally think the art direction looks great and I was not a fan of the original's fatigue mechanic which the remake thankfully got rid of. Also, I really like DQ's localization. It gives it that extra flair.

18 days ago

i mean thats good for you i guess but this is my list and i personally dont care for remakes/remasters that compromise the artistic intention and identity of the originals

18 days ago

Great list! Definitely agree with Demon's Souls, still annoys me how people prefer the pretty graphics over the original game's art direction. Also the new music ruins a lot of the charm. I'd just throw Resident Evil 3 Remake on here as well, personally.

18 days ago

Seconding the Nier entry but only because I'm a certified musichead and the reimagining of the OST in 1.22 is so depressing.

18 days ago

I absolutely agree with you on the DQ localization, it baffles me that such an iconic and inspirational series in the JRPG genre is subjected to a meme tier localization, it reminds me of another Toriyama related work that got dealt the same hand in the west….

18 days ago

for the DQ remakes, I kinda get having frustrations compared to what these games were like prior, but I really enjoy that these older games got these fleshed out remakes. It's easier for me to say because I'll play every major revision of the series, but I look at DQ5's DS port the same way I do the PS2 port: "dude nice another reason to play DQ5". They're also easier to swallow for me because they're not like SoV, in that "we took out all the wacky and fun tools (like Gaiden boots), and replaced them with misogyny" (but a lot of that is just "damn, the 3DS FE games were fucking wack".

Like, unless the game actually needed a remake (and I'd argue even games like DQ4 don't), a straight translation of the original work isn't as interesting as even a botched rework. I was dreading FF7R because I think OG FF7 holds up exceptionally well, and the bait and switch is one of the most based things Squeenix has done in ages.

18 days ago

most of my issues with the dq remakes are the style of localization, other than 6 and 7 i really dont mind them that much

18 days ago

hey, good list! I personally disagree with the Fire Emblem Echoes segment, other than that I wholeheartedly agree with the rest. I still think the original Fire Emblem Gaiden is a great game in its own right and should be experienced, story beats and all.

18 days ago

Ok I read most of the notes, now can I get mad pretty please?

18 days ago

I've read the notes and, while I largely either agree or am understanding, I'm sorry to say that I can't really agree with the Dragon Quest notes. I wouldn't this mind so much cause it's all personal, but - and I know this is like the fourth time being said and you're (understandably) sick of it - it's all lumped together with 'controversial' (quotes for varying intensity) remakes like MM3D, P3R, and ToM22, plus super critical warps like YK1&2, Demon's Souls 2020, and SOTC 2018, which ultimately feels super ill-fitting for what amounts as the highly personal (and from what I've seen in the DQ community, unpopular) nitpicks of the batch. This is especially prevalent for DQ6 cause, even as you noted, the original SFC is stuck with DeJap's work who were, cynically speaking, the Working Designs of early fantls, something I don't think many people would want to experience nowadays unless a new group decides to give it a proper look-over. I'll give you DQ7 however, cause the bits I've heard about its changes makes me way more privy to play the PS1 original than the 3DS remake.

18 days ago

cannot be serious about Replicant lol

18 days ago

Hello based department?

18 days ago

Im so sorry this list of all things made it onto the front page

18 days ago

I'd suggest adding Metroid: Samus Returns for replacing the tense atmosphere and ethical questions with samus doing funny flips

18 days ago

That Majora's Mask video has changed so many people's opinions about the remake it's incredible

18 days ago

Someone finally said the truth about Persona 3 Reload and Kiwami 2

18 days ago

Silent Hill HD Collection because it’s just a visual downgrade in every way (the fucking comic sans silent hill sign), the fog is completely absent, and the voice acting does not fit any of the characters at all (yes it can technically be considered a remake because Konami lost the source code for both 2 and 3 so both had to be remade again from scratch for the collection)

18 days ago

@moschidae getting a list of my personal thoughts on remakes i dont like getting nitpicked by strangers because i did not take said strangers or casual gamers into account while making it because it got put on the front page is Awesome actually wdym

18 days ago

hi, long time inhaler of oxygen here

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