43 Reviews liked by orocher

It's a little more than a generic infinite runner? it at least uses 2D platforming and looks like LittleBigPlanet. It's nothing special though.

Sendo sincero ele é um bom jogo, por eu ser muito fã de Oblivion e pelo fato desse jogo ter sido lançado 2 anos após o mesmo, eu consigo sentir claramente alguns "feelings" dele aqui nese Fallout (principalmente na trilha sonora e algumas partes do jogo).

Mas voltando agora pra jogabilidade, é inegável que o jogo tem uma GIGANTESCA diferença de gameplay para os seus dois jogos antecessores, muita gente pode tacar o hate nisso mas sinceramente eu gostei das mecanicas e etc..

Mas, acho que o problema do jogo para mim foi o fato dele ser relativamente "curto" em relação a Oblivion (sei que os dois não tem nada haver, mas to dando um exemplo). Aqui as main e side foram muito "rápidas" de se fazerem, se o jogo transformasse as missões que voce pode fazer repetidamente em main/side pra mim teria sido otimo, por que eu queria ter aproveitado mais nesse quesito.

Mas ele é um bom jogo no qual eu recomendo, trilha sonora é boa, o design é incrivel e a historia é de certa forma boa ou seja não sei fazer rewiew

Unfortunately I never quite made it through my original playthrough of this game, and my GameBoy Cart battery has since died, meaning my save is gone forever. I still plan on beating the remake one day, but for now I'll log my thoughts on the original from what I played.

The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening is beyond incredible.
It contains a world so full of life and personality, and somehow it manages to squeeze it all into a teeny GameBoy screen. The graphics, music and story have aged wonderfully, and will instantly charm you in a matter of seconds. It's honestly very easy to forget your playing on such a terrible screen half the time. Not only does this game have arguably one of the best stories on the entire GameBoy library, but also the Legend of Zelda series as a whole. It makes the cast's of games such as Botw look extremely bland in comparison. My only real issue with the game is that there are a few too many puzzles that you could never logically solve without a guide, but that is also true for the majority of older Zelda games. In my opinion this is without question the best 2D Zelda, and an absolute must play GameBoy title.

Um grande clássico do FPS!

Essa é a minha primeira vez jogando o MW2 depois de meses após ter zerado o primeiro haha mas posso falar que é um jogo maravilhoso! Talvez o meu COD favorito até o momento. História muito bem escrita, gameplay maravilhosa e desafiante ao mesmo tempo, gráficos muito bonitos pra sua época e a trilha sonora na mãos do GOAT Hans Zimmer deixa o jogo com uma atmosfera de que realmente você tá vivenciando uma guerra.

o design é daorinha, mas vai ser dificil assim la na pqp

DISCLAIMER: This review is not a review, it's a bumbling, messy rant I wrote at 2 AM. I apologize in advance for any grammar and spelling errors, as well as the occasional nonsensical sentence.

It has truly been some time since a game has so fully captured me to the degree that Little Big Planet has. There is something truly special about this game that is only shared with some of the best I’ve ever played, in fact, the last time a game was able to make me feel anything like this would have been my first playthrough of Super Mario Galaxy. I don’t Think I can ever truly, properly put it into words, but I'll certainly give it a try.

Before the actual review I’ll start by saying that I don’t have any nostalgia for this game, In fact, my first time ever playing would’ve been the day before writing this review. All of my opinions stem from very freshly playing through the game and experiencing everything it had to offer for myself.

This may be a fairly generic statement, but I think everyone can agree that today’s world has more than its fair share of misery. These past few months for me it's felt like on a global level there have been historical levels of suffering and wrongdoing happening all at once, and there is nothing I can do about it. When combined with the smaller stresses of simply living your life, it can be easy to accidentally start to live with a dark cloud over your head. This is not to say that I’m a miserable person or anything, It's just that I feel we sometimes forget how important it is to smile. I am of the opinion that we need more ways to spread positivity and happiness in the world, and that is exactly what Little Big Planet is. Little Big Planet completely counteracts everything negative I just mentioned on a personal level in nearly every way. It feels so purely created with the sole intention of bringing childlike joy and wonder to the faces of all who play it. From the animation to the music to the gameplay, everything feels so lovingly, passionately created to be the absolute best it can be. One of my favourite things about all forms of media, be it traditional books, comics, movies, tv, or games, is that they can give you such intense emotions that you would normally be unable to experience in ordinary life. Through Seething anger or incredible sadness, I’ve been affected by many of the things that I have watched, read, and played, but there is one thing even the best of movies and games are often not capable of, something that makes them truly stand out above the rest if they can accomplish it, and that's them being capable of transmitting pure, unfiltered joy to the same degree that they can other emotions. Throughout my whole playthrough, Little Big Planet had me grinning ear to ear. It's the first time in so long that I’ve been so completely invested in a game, that I’ve spent so much time in a game all at once, that I’ve been willing to give up doing anything else to actually find time to play, and since I’ve had my love for video games so overwhelmingly re-ignited like this. For all that alone, I will likely forever remember Little Big Planet and consider it one of the all time greats that I’ve played, But there is still so much more to discuss here.

Before even discussing the gameplay, there is so much to appreciate about Little Big Planet. Everything feels meticulously handcrafted, because it literally is. This game at its core is a level editor that all players have the ability to use, and the developers truly mastered everything about that level editor and managed to produce levels for the story mode that wouldn't feel out of place if they were found within a real, purely 2D triple A platformer. Within these levels there are representations of cultures from all over the world that are so obviously lovingly represented, and they have great humor to go along with them. This game genuinely made me laugh a few more times than I would have expected. The sackboy that you explore the Levels with is also an incredible addition to this game. Each sackboy exhibits so much personality and is so excellently animated. Something about their expressions just makes their emotions feel so real. The Developers really went above and beyond when it came to allowing players to fully express themselves without even speaking.

Speaking of player expression, the one part of this game that I’m really devastated I’ll never get to experience is the online. Exploring an infinite amount of community made levels with my friends and other people while being able to fully express myself and have fun at the same time seems like it would have been an absolute dream. I get hit by a little wave of sadness everytime see the crossed out online buttons on my screen, but even without them I had plenty to love about the game.

The campaign mode is spent helping numerous troubled characters throughout the earth in any way you can. Often just seeing how the developers had crafted characters and made them feel so alive through the crude level editor was enough to make me laugh, but it was also very charming. Every step of the way you are offered encouragement and witness so much creativity it's hard to not just constantly smile. Alongside just being fun to play through, these levels feel like they would be excellent inspiration for anyone who would have tried to truly dedicate themselves to the level creator as well.

In terms of actual gameplay, this is definitely the weakest part of the game, but still fun. It controls like a standard 2D platformer, with the sole issue being that sometimes sackboy feels a little bit slippery to control, putting you in the occasional situation that will feel a little unfair. Otherwise though the level design is so clever that the game never gets old. There are so many gameplay concepts and ideas featured within them I almost wish there were more levels so I could have seen them more fully explored. The game does get more difficult towards the end, but even with the slightly awkward controls I never felt it was too unfair, despite having to redo some levels a fair few times. What it really shows is that this game's potential for level design is more or less unlimited, something that would have made it all the more amazing when the servers were still up and running.

The music (partially composed by the guy who did spiderverse btw) was also a key factor to my enjoyment of this game. Almost every track is so uplifting and happy it felt like it was directly planting energy into my soul. Somehow these songs make me feel nostalgic despite having literally never heard them before yesterday. There are just so many different instruments and styles of music that all collide together in this game, making it one of my favourite gaming soundtracks of all time. Maybe I’m just weird but there were even 1 or 2 very oddly nice tracks that even made me tear up a bit.

In conclusion, Little Big Planet is just kind of a perfect video game to me. The combination of its endless creativity, interactive community, fun gameplay, and amazing music gives me the impression that it was lovingly created with the sole purpose of spreading Joy throughout the world, something we can always use more of. It's very rare that something is able to make me feel the childlike wonder I experienced while playing this game, and I'm so grateful I just randomly happened to check it out. Everything about it feels so human; you can clearly see the overwhelming passion behind the game poured into every nook and cranny within it, something I’ve only really been able to notice in a very small few of the best games I’ve played. In my opinion, more games should strive to be as joyous and as pleasant an experience as Little Big Planet. I definitely feel like this is a game everyone should try playing at least once in their lives, because if for some reason it strikes the same chord with you as it did with me, you’ll never regret it.

A storytelling dessa franquia é muito bem escrita, tá louco! E aliás Kenny >>>

This is just kind of disappointing. I was looking forward to starting this game that had been sitting around on my shelf a while that was presented as some sort of big AAA aerial combat title from Sony and Santa Monica Studio, but in reality it's just an online only pvp game with questionable polish. It's a shame because there are some cool ideas such as being able to switch from jet to vehicle to foot in combat, and the scale of its massive multiplayer battles, but it's really ruined by the fact that it's online only. Now that the PS3 is pretty much dead there's not really anything left to play here

BioShock is a good first person shooter that is made into something truly great by its incredibly unique atmosphere and story. The gameplay system would be a bit dull if it wasn’t for a mechanic called “plasmids.” These are a variety of customizable abilities that range from firing elements such as lighting and flame, to placing target dummies or hypnotizing your enemies. Plasmids are always mapped to your left triggers, while your gun controls are mapped to your right triggers. It makes an otherwise fairly standard shooter feel a lot more unique and personalized to each player. The one big gameplay issue this game has is its atrocious map. Even after beating the game I still don't really understand how I'm supposed to interpret it. For some reason different levels and floors are shown on the map beside each other rather than on top and underneath each other. Often they are placed with little rhyme or reason. This game also sometimes has a bit of a lighting problem. Many environments contain a lot of grey colors and are very darkly lit, making it often hard to tell where to go and what is going on. Even still, I still think the gameplay is decently good overall; not amazing, but not at all bad either.

Where BioShock really shines is in its story and atmosphere, though I did have some issues with it so I'll get those out of the way first. Despite liking the story a lot, I noticed it often felt a little disconnected from the levels you actually play in the game. Nearly all communication with other characters takes place through a radio, and you almost never see their faces unless they're already dead. While rapture is a very cool location and does have its fair share of environmental storytelling, this games equivalent to cutscenes often consists of a character talking to you on the radio, a bunch of enemies getting dumped in the level your on, you defeating the enemies, and then a character calling you on the radio again to either curse you or congratulate you. There are very few moments where you actually get to see another character face to face or have an event happen before your eyes, though I suppose this does make the moments such as this actually contained within the game even more impactful. I won’t spoil the story but I also found the ending and final boss to be fairly disappointing.

Moving on to the good, Rapture is an absolutely incredible setting and one of the coolest and most thought out places I’ve had the privilege of exploring in a game. It's filled with this dark, moody, and creepy atmosphere combined with this sort of 1940’s - 50’s styled music and looks. It makes for something truly different than anything else I’ve ever seen, and it's really incredible. The history of Rapture as well as the character diaries that can be found within it are very well made to showcase the failures of unregulated capitalism and how disastrous it is to depend on it. The city has a complete lack of regulations under the guise of freedom (sound familiar?). This leads to record breaking progress, but decisions are made without morals or conscience. Everything in the city, dangerous or not, comes to exist for the sole purpose of driving profit, which leads rapture to its eventual downfall. I did just complain about how you are almost never face to face with any characters, but even with just their voices the game does an amazing job teaching you each and every one of their politics and ideals, and why it either brought them success or (In most cases) failed them. Among these characters is the game's main villain Andrew Ryan. Even alongside the many interesting characters this game already contains he stands out and is extremely compelling to root against. I particularly enjoyed how despite him being such a terrible person, you can tell how principled he is, and how he truly believes what he says to be the truth. It makes him feel much more threatening and is a large part of what compelled me to continue playing the game and push past some of its more creepy moments. I suppose I should mention that the game does have a sort of morality system to it, with you being able to harvest or save genetically modified children known as “little sisters.” As far as I can tell however it doesn't affect much of the game aside from the ending which is one of its weaker aspects anyways.

I think BioShock really does earn its status as such an iconic and influential game, and is something I won’t be soon forgetting. I usually don't even like first person shooters that much but I think against all odds this game has somehow broken into my top 20 list. Definitely check this game out if you’ve ever got the chance.

Pelas imagens parecia um bom jogo e de fato o cenário é bonito, mas a gameplay é toda lenta e travada

A historia, design e trilha sonoras são os pontos fortes do jogo, mas pra mim a jogabilidade pos o disco 3 fica um pouco enjoativa e repetitiva, mas tirando isso é um bom jogo

O jogo que é mais conhecido pelo seu eterno debate entre a soundtrack da versão USA e JP (e confia, tirando a música do boss americano, a versão japonesa dá uma surra kk).

Por ter toda essa coisa de um aparato extra como o Sega CD para dar um UP de processamento, a evolução gráfica é notável, e as fases tem uma sensação de profundidade beeeem maior. Porém, achei que junto com isso, os cenários são um tanto confusos, com elementos demais na tela.

A mecânica do PAST/FUTURE é totalmente descartável, não acrescenta nada na gameplay e nem é lá muito charmosa. Mas eles precisavam justificar o grandioso MEGA BLAST PROCESSING do SEGA CD né?

No geral, um jogo competente, mas discordo de quem tenta alça-lo a prateleira de "hidden gem" hj em dia.

Uma proposta interessante até. Não é lá um jogo de luta muito profundo, mas é como se fosse um Virtua Fighter clássico com o Sonic.

A temática é legal, mas por ser um jogo originalmente de Arcade é meio curto. Porém o que quebra mesmo é o desbalanceamento dos personagens, que fica bem evidente quando você tenta jogar com alguém que não seja o Sonic.

Maneirinho, passo o pano por ser uma idéia que dificilmente veríamos ser executada hoje em dia.

Eu me forcei a gostar desse jogo, principalmente porque a trilha sonora é INCRÍVEL. A ideia é genial, até porque, penso que não faz sentido o Sonic dirigir carros nos jogos atuais kkk.

Porém MEU AMIGO, que controles bizonhamente ruins. Sei que é um jogo 3D dos anos 90, mas fazer uma curva nas fases beira a insanidade (pelo jeito precisa ter um Bacharelado em Geometria para isso).

E os personagens são os mais desbalanceados que já vi na história dos jogos, é impossível ganhar algo com a Amy/Eggman, enquanto o Knuckles consegue cortar metade do percurso voando por aí.

Basicamente: conceito genial, execução imbecil. Mas muito, muito charmoso.

Antigamente, tinha um ódio mortal por sonic rivals como todo, por que? Porque enquanto todo mundo estava se divertido jogando sonic rush no DS, o PSP tinha um joguinho de corrida. Criei um grande ranço, ao ponto de nem querer jogar ele, mas com o tempo fui perdendo esse ódio gratuito, dando uma nova chance de mente aberta.

Como um jogo de corrida 2.5D, ele acaba tendo um level design bem capado. Uma linha reta, com obstáculos para desviar, plataformas e um tronco no chão (não sei o nome disso) para te jogar para cima ou dar um impulso para frente. Também possui inimigos, que são bem inúteis, se posicionado fixamente no cenário. Na campanha possui 6 zonas, cada uma possuindo 2 atos e um chefe no final. A melhor zona é a ultima, porque ela não é uma corrida 🎉. As zonas não tem nada de erro grotesco, o erro mesmo fica no seu adversário.

A corrida se baseia em em dois bonecos dando soco um no outro, até aí, ok, em execução, soa como uma corrida x1 no Mario kart, mas o jogador em segundo lugar possui um casco azul. Essa é a visão mais precisa que consigo descrever. A movimentação é bem simples, pulo, ataque físico/especial e spin dash. O que estraga a maioria das corridas são os ataques especiais, eles ficam espalhados pelo cenário, como uma item box, seu funcionamento determinado da posição do boneco, em primeiro armadilhas e em segundo ataques teleguiados, que vão te acertar no final e fazer você perder a partida inteira. O bot sempre irá ficar perto de você, independente da derrota ou vitória, existindo um imã que nunca deixa um muito longe do outro, tornando as corridas dependentes de sorte, pois as armadilhas não atingem o bot na maioria das vezes. No final, resulta em uma experiência frustrante em que nem as habilidades compensam, tem momentos onde não há nada que possamos fazer. Chefes fazem sua presença aqui, e eles são bem meia boca. O robô do eggman faz uma palhaçada e fica parado por um determinado tempo, então você tem que atacar 6 vezes para vencer do bot que também ataca o eggman, tornando uma competição de quem bate mais no chefe. Elas são fracas e bem fáceis, no entanto, espancar o bot enquanto o eggman fica invencível me trás uma enorme satisfação depois de 4 derrotas seguidas nas corridas.

Existe 4 campanhas aqui, sonic, shadow, knuckles e silver, qual é a diferença entre elas? Pouca coisa, as fases são as mesmas, apenas mudando o adversário delas. A mudança fica por parte da história. Eggman tirou fotos dos interesses de cada personagen usando uma câmera especial, capaz de transformar "tudo" fotografado em cartas. Então todos terão seus motivos para ir atrás dele por conta disso. Agora peço pra adivinhar a motivação do knuckles, tu vai gastar 2 neurônios pra isso. O que não gostei muito dela foi da forma como as corridas acontecem, o motivo delas é uma das piores escritas de sonic, só servem pra arranjarem qualquer motivo para correr. Não curto muito a parte do shadow ser um anti-herói, no sonic adventure 2 tinha um motivo para ele estar no lado de eggman, mas aqui se torna apenas estranho. A campanha do sonic e knuckles é bem inútil, mas quando chega a parte do shadow e silver é revelado uma informação que me surpreendeu de tão pouco que esperava do jogo, mudando completamente a visão de antes (o plano do vilão é bem ruim e mesmo com a revelação não muda tanta coisa), mas a parte de jogar com todos os personagens não te dá uma história extra, e sim o metal sonic para usar nos torneios e corridas normais, levando todo meu esforço em vão.

Falando delas, o jogo tem várias recompensas de acordo com a classificação que tu tira das fases, tais recompensas sendo 300 bilhões de cartas contendo artes de sonic, e skins para os personagens. Bonitinhas, porém tenho vontade nenhuma de rejogar ele novamente.

Acho que se eu mantivesse meu preconceito com sonic rivals, não ia mudar nada na minha vida porque esse jogo é o mais mediano possível. Tu não tá perdendo nada não jogando ele, não é um jogo ruim, mas muito broxante de se jogar, contendo nada de muito especial. Espero que o mesmo não se repita com o 2.