89 Reviews liked by ouroborostxt

if this counts as a game then that means sakurai can put it in smash

im only on case 2 when does the gay sex start?

i can't believe this game made me cry over kaname date of all people

Date is the most sexless sexy man ever created

The Kaname Date Cringe Compilation

pussy got me like 破レ綻ベゲ脱セヨココハ虚構幻世界 目覚めヨ諸君革命ノ時真理ノ扉開ケ 俺ハダレ此処ハドコ今ハ何時キミハ ワカラナイワカラナイワカラナイ… 仮想空間損壊シ偽ノ世カラかイ放ヲ 助ケてクレ助ケてクレ助ケてクレ…

i actually havent played this game but it has gackt so its probably the best game of all time

Thank god the added content is kinda limited, it would have been in poor taste to add anything new to such an already perfect game. Sometimes developers are so desperate to add new content that they would consider a bucket as important new content, but I'm glad to say the Stanley Parable team didn't go that way. That would've been silly, right? So just enjoy a perfectly normal remastered game, as it should be.

The only proper way to write a review for this game would be to screenshot my steam review from the original edition and then print it out on a big poster and staple it to my TV screen for the rest of eternity.



haha yeah i love dying and bleeding and organs and literally coming apart at the seams ! i Love coughing blood

This is one of the best playable TV shows ever made.

every time this bitch is relatable i want to kill myself a little bit more

I hate that this is fucking great because we will never see a season 2.