You ever think to yourself, "Damn, I sure love Dio Brando, but I really wish he appealed more to my degenerate coomer brain. It would be really cool if he was a cute anime girl in a fun, combat-focused metroidvania with a godlike soundtrack."
Say no more.


Game has fantastic art and music, with pretty charming character writing, but fails in pretty much every aspect when it comes to plot. It's essentially just a blatant Silent Hill 2 ripoff except if you removed all of the symbolism from the otherworld segments and replaced them with LONG, totally pointless filler. Genuinely one of the most disappointing games I've ever played.

brings me back to a simpler time of playing Bush Shootout in the school computer lab

fisher price Baby's First Racism

Should be the poster child for the "soul vs soulless" meme. They really sucked out so much of what made the original game unique and interesting in this version.

Met a fellow gaijin in a japanese game bar who was absolutely soypogging about this game and drunkenly explaining strategies. I didn't retain anything he said, but I appreciate the experience of meeting the world's biggest Yoshi's Cookie fan.

I feel like I desperately wish that this could be my favorite video game. It checks SO many boxes for me but also fumbles so badly in important areas.

Making the main character a photographer who loses their love for the artform due to grief was genuinely a stroke of genius. I absolutely adore the idea of her having to rediscover her passion to affirm that she still has the right to exist. The camera obscura and the main heroine are finally used together for a grounded, thematic purpose instead of just a convenient gameplay one.

The vibes in this game are immaculate. Every time I return to the apartment hub the sense of loneliness just totally washes over me. Total silence except the faint sound of raindrops and your own footsteps. Even though you have a rooommate, she's also grief struck and totally despondent. The only thing you can get out of her most of the time is "It's raining again...". A self evident meaningless platitude. Having a safe haven hub in general does so much to flesh out Rei as a character. She's the only character in this series to me who feels like she actually has a life outside of being a pretty ghostbuster. The ghosts slowly starting to invade your personal space throughout the game works so well tonally and thematically, and the fixed camera frames the scares so well. A far cry from the later games in which the camera is lazily taken away from the player to point out something "scary" happening.

Unfortunately, the big asterisk here is obviously that everything I'm gushing about is actually a relatively small amount of the actual time you will spend playing. The runtime is frankly much too long for survival horror, and much of that time will inevitably be spent aimlessly wandering around the mansion. Very often the objective you're given is "find the object in this photograph" and your response will be "how could you possibly expect me to to that". So many of the rooms look identical to eachother and the map is far too big for its own good. The level design would have MASSIVELY benefitted from something closer to the second game where relatively smaller dungeons were separated by outdoor segments.

The inclusion of Kei also just fucking sucks. This game SHOULD be a celebration of the series and an examination of 3 women who've lost a loved one, and instead it's 2 of those and some jackass I've never heard of. His design sucks and his gameplay sucks even more. He has an absolutely pathetically weak camera obscura in exchange for... being able to crouch in place (which is totally worthless and you're better off never using it). Thanks. So glad we lost out on Mio for this.

In the end, I know that if I replayed this game I would be frustrated. But this is just one of those times that I'm more than happy to look back on it admiring what it did well. There IS an absolutely perfect survival horror game hidden in here, and the parts where that emerges really stuck with me.

i get second hand embarrassment from the fact that an entire team of professionals managed to take something made by a single dude and make it look SO MUCH WORSE

A couple pretty fun songs, but overall just feels like sauceless rhythm heaven.

A big appeal to the RH series, to me, is the fact that you can play them with your eyes closed which just is not the case here for most songs. The audio cues overall are lacking the iconic punchiness that they need, and many of them are hidden extremely low in the mix. Some cues sound basically identical to eachother and I'm really not sure how you're supposed to discern them without relying on visuals.