God damn god damn god damn. This is a review for both Phantom Liberty and the entire Cyberpunk experience after the 2.0 and 2.1 updates. This is basically a brand new game, and it is the king of immersive storytelling.

The relationships and bonds you make throughout this game are unparalleled, and each ending brought forth different deep emotions. I truly cared about some of these characters by the end of my time with it, and I applaud the lasting efforts that CDPR has pumped into this game to get it up to par with their original vision.

Man...... we really don't deserve Santa Monica studio. This was a wonderful epilogue to the already fantastic Ragnarok story. This tied together the story that Kratos has spent over 15 years living with a wonderful, Hades-inspired rogue like that fully showcases the ingenuity and fun of this game's combat. If you liked the base game at all, this FREE DLC will knock your socks off, and most likely inspire a playthrough of the original games.

this was one of the hardest games I've ever played but it was also one of the most rewarding. Combat was punishing just the right amount, and the healing and parry mechanics fully rewarded careful learning and aggressive play. Not for the faint of heart, but a stellar souls like experience for those with determination.

this was a very sweet game. i enjoyed the storylines, and the actual barista mechanics were laid back and just deep enough to compliment the story. if you're a fan of a more chill experience with great lofi, check this out!

God damn........ This was one of the most creative games I've ever played, certainly the most creative since Remedy's last release: Control. Saga's Mind Place and Alan's Writer's Room were innovating and gripping throughout the game, and this had Remedy's signature acid trip feel all the way. I couldn't stop playing this game once the story got started, and I can NOT wait for Control 2. Remedy is at the top of their game right now.

Yea, this was a good one. I loved the improvements to the combat and the story was gripping throughout. This game continues the PS Studios trend of shorter but incredibly polished games. Love it!

a decently fun game revolving around looping yarn to make art. nice and therapeutic, but it gets rather stale quite quick.

(5/10, Played on Game Pass) Quickly into this one, I realized it probably wasn’t for me. Incredibly casual gameplay is paired with gorgeous watercolor style visuals and a cute, relatable story about the love/hate relationship we have with our grandparents and our childhoods. I really enjoyed parts of the game, but I didn’t make it to the end. I decided about halfway through that my time would be spent better elsewhere. Not a bad game by any means, just definitely not for me.