Genuinely no complaints I can think of except the catapult section being a pain in the ass but it doesn't really matter, fundamentally excellent and one of my favourite gaming experiences in modern gaming. So, so goddamn fun and such a treat to play through, adore this game and am now a definite fan of the Resident Evil franchise.


This is the only walking sim that had actually impacted me in any shape or form. Where games like Edith Finch squander for me, SOMA excels in every possible regard. The story that's tied to philosophical questions that have been explored many times before was still immensely engaging and leaves you with an amazing ending that, with any form of attention paid, could've been seen coming, but STILL hits as hard as it could.

This game HAD to be a walking sim to work honestly, it lets you absorb yourself in the dense, hopeless atmosphere the game perfects. But at the same time, I just wish that element was done better...the game's a lot better in Safe mode and I personally wouldn't bother with the monster encounters as they're generic and really easy at the same time.

Thankfully the game is really short and because of that it's a really easy recommendation to just sit through and absorb this incredible experience.

So much personality & flair is dripping from every corner of this game and I love it so much for that. I loved every single moment of it and the vibe it goes for is nailed so well when it could've been worse if handled by the wrong writers. Excellent in almost every single regard and such a joy to play, haven't had an experience quite like it in ages. DmC, Bayonetta, eat your heart out, this is what hack and slash games should strive to be.

Played this game for the first time in the Summer of 2015 and ever since then I don't think I ever found a game that gave me as much agency in my decisions and had me so immersed in it's world, story, characters and lore until this year. Has a special place in my heart and also completely destroyed my perspective on other RPGs in how much they allow the player to actually roleplay because only New Vegas has done this to a degree I'd call perfect. It's a complete mess in terms of it's technicalities but every single replay I've had with this game and all the phenomenal moments of character writing in this game has stuck with me years since I played it. Genuinely such a special, one-of-a-kind game that I don't expect any other company being able to replicate ever again.

A personal favourite forever, haven't lost my love for this game and every subsequent replay makes me appreciate it more and more. Beauty.

One of the most fluid and exciting games I’ve played that succeeds heavily thanks to it’s unique personality that makes it stand out a lot because it kept me coming back for more. It balances out everything it needs to incredibly well: the OST, the bosses, the level design, the variety in the gameplay and the actual mechanics themselves. There are issues like the fact the story is kind of just okay, and there are some segments in the game that feel pretty weird to play and are kind of clunky, but other than that this game was so fucking enjoyable and I loved almost every moment with it. This game is special and stood the test of time well.

One of the most gripping, emotional and simultaneously ambitious narratives told in the medium. While there are definitely narrative missteps throughout and a few things that could be better, the world, cast and story of Mass Effect continued to engage me everytime I played, and towards the end of the final game it dawned on me how much everything in the game has grown on me, and man did it make the finale of the trilogy seriously hit hard. By no means perfect, but I’m not only surprised but overjoyed by the quality of the Mass Effect trilogy and it’s been one hell of a ride. A fucking stellar series in every way.

My favourite of the trilogy, went in with mild expectations due to criticisms of the ending and came out incredibly surprised with how the finale of the entire trilogy turned out. Sure, the ending was just okay and could’ve been better but wow everything else in this game was riveting as HELL.

The gameplay was fun as hell, the story and characters are at their absolute best here and the culmination of storylines in the prior two games were wonderfully wrapped up in ME3, and it left me feeling emotional at times too. I adore the cast a lot and they truly shine in the Citadel DLC as well as their interactions throughout the game. I do have complaints yet they feel minor in comparison to just how much I can praise this game in regards to being an epic finale, and being a perfect sendoff for the series. A masterpiece, one of the best works of art I’ve seen and I already miss playing it, phenomenal experience.


This game is what happens when you appeal to people who've never seen, read or watched anything good before and blow their minds with concepts that have been done better multiple times before. Cool ending though.