Few things are as joyful and magic in games as walking through the museum with that gorgeous, relaxing music, and playing these wonderful classics. The amazing presentation makes this more than just a mere collection of games.

All video game compilations should have something like this, instead of just boring menus.

Your reward for beating a level in this completely bland, ugly and soulless shooter is looking at naked anime girls. If you want that, there's better options out there.

"Not for resale."

Why would anyone in their right mind pay money for this anyway?

A wonderful game that speaks heavily to my love of fighting games and anime girls. Very colorful and pretty to look at, cute and interesting characters, and so much fun to play.

You don't know what true suffering is if you haven't experienced the Parace L'sia fight. She puts any King of Fighters final boss to shame.

This feels like a crappy bootleg game that somehow got an official release. Not even the worst fighting games on the Super Nintendo felt this effortless.

The visuals are absolutely atrocious, the sprites and backgrounds do not complement each other in any way, and every character controls like they have a broom jammed up their asses (and that's when they respond to button inputs, because most of the time, they do not).

It shows how huge DBZ popularity was, in that all the kids back then were all over this trash game.

It feels like they only cared about making the graphics look accurate, and forgot about everything else. Screwy AI behavior and barely functional controls render this thing unplayable.

It's a great concept, and the game is pretty fun overall (and very faithful to the anime series), but having only 3 main bosses on a Mega Man game feels lacking, regardless of the execution.

Either way, seeing Megumin as a Mega Man boss is all kinds of hilarious.

This game's classic status has always mystified me. I can praise the soundtrack, graphics and atmosphere all day, but when I'm getting frustrated using Ecco's awkward controls trying to squeeze through tight hallways that can kill me with any touch, I'm not going to enjoy myself. Lack of checkpoints, punishing dead ends and the most obnoxiously drawn out trial and error segments do not help matters.

Probably the most hideous-looking and unplayable flying game on the Saturn. I know the Saturn was notoriously hard to program games for (especially the 3D ones), but most games fared better than this. Definitely one of the worst rentals of my childhood.

The brazilian version of Action 52. Except it makes Action 52 look like a work of art. You don't know what bad games are if you haven't played 20 em 1.

Make your little 6-second movies of Tails spinning around like a drunk marionette on the hospital floor! Give Sonic a good tickle without pissing him off! Walk around as a Star Wars AT-ST with a Sonic head while feeding worms to Dr. Eggman! Create your own Sonic OC with names like Spyro the Cyborg Hedgehog Prower!

But in all seriousness, this one shows just how bizarre some people in the Sonic fandom can be. A surreal, kinda scary, kinda hilarious experience to weird out Sonic fans and haters alike.

Take the speed-type gameplay from Sonic Heroes and make it even more slippery and jerky, add missions where you have to collect/kill a very specific number of things that are easy to miss, characters swearing every 2 seconds (because that's what edgelord kids think is cool!), generic heavy metal music that is a far cry from the amazing compositions from earlier Sonic games, a story consisting of disjointed fragments that barely connect to one another or end up entirely forgotten, and give the main protagonist guns (exactly what everyone wants in a Sonic game!)

That makes for a very nasty concoction.

The main fighting mode is just a watered-down take on the Deception format. Even with the impressively large character roster, many of them flat-out suck in this game, and the custom Fatality system is just awful.

What truly makes this game is all of the extra content, like the excellent racing minigame Motor Kombat, the great character editor, and the fun as hell Konquest mode, which differs from Deception's Konquest mode, being a brawler/beat-'em-up instead of an exploration/RPG game.