cute game, it always motivates me to go for a walk just so i can plant some flowers

i had soooooo much fun playing this game on my dad's iPad when i was a kid

tried it cuz some friends insisted on it, but i was highly disappointed

this is honestly the greatest mario kart that i've ever played, i just love it so much

the updates are cool (like the one that allows you to grow vegetables, for example) but the game lacks something that other animal crossing games had, it just doesn't feel the same

it was more fun than i thought it would be

i had a lot of fun and the new game controls were good, but it felt a bit too easy, didn't it?

que buena música por diossssss

isla aventura siempre tendrá un lugar reservado en mi corazón

why do i like it, am i crazy or just a nerd

i don't remember much but i think this was the one where you could give beans to your pokemon and that was hella fun

man i hate it when a pikmin dies at the end of a level and i have to start from the beginning AGAIN in order to get the golden pikmin badge

it was honestly a bit disappointing, even though i enjoyed it a lot.

first of all, they made us believe (or at least they made ME believe) that katrielle would be looking for her father throughout the game, but in really she just solved her own cases and never really gave any answers to where her father was. and then i found out that those answers were given in an anime that i had to watch on mega because it was nowhere to be found. i felt tricked and lied to.

second of all, i thought it was cool that she was solving her own cases, but the cases where so bad like cmon guys. they were fun but you can't compare them to the mysteries from the previous games. you just can't.

however, having said that, i still enjoyed the game a lot and i really liked those puzzles that you could download daily, it was fun getting a new one every day