Yume 2kki is the modern equivalent of a spiritual pilgrimage writ LSD Dream Emulator.

It gives you space to think your thoughts, shows you the most gorgeous audio-visual imagery you will ever see in a video game, and just lets you wander.

I will always love this game more than I will have words to express my emotions because of the ways it allows you to create your own meaning in the setting. There are experiences I have had tucked away in the bowels of this game's deepest annals that have changed me as a being.

It takes work to wander.
But what you find is up to you.

In all seriousness, Yume 2kki is a grand grab-bag of a game with a slight barrier to entry. Some worlds are almost offendingly irritating - fucking Graveyard World, I never want to see you again - but if you put in the work, this game holds some really amazing details, as well as the best soundtrack I've found in any game, bar none.

This game is something I show to the people I feel closest with, because it feels like I'm showing a piece of myself to them.

I love it. I will always love it.

Incredibly fun for what it is. Changed my brain as a young child.

This game still has some of the most weirdly addictive gameplay I've encountered in a hot minute. With mods, it genuinely becomes one of my favorite games of all time. Worth the purchase.

bang bang bang pull my devil trigger

in all seriousness, while the visuals are a little uncanny at times, the characters absolutely make this game splendid and it's worth checking out.

you ever listen to dry hands and cry over nostalgic days cooped up with your friends mining in a dinky minecraft server you set up? no? huh.

Might it have dragged on for perhaps a tad too long? Yes.
Is Tetsu Tachibana still one of my favorite characters in this series in a hot minute? Absolutely.

this game is most fun when you load it up with enough mods to give your laptop a seizure and then go fuck around with your friends

exploring maps with your buddies in this game is a truly timeless experience that I really can't put a rating to

You do not understand how badly I wanted to love this game.
As it stands, I merely like this game. It's a grindfest not for the brave of heart, and the redrawn visuals take away a lot of the personality the characters held in the original. It could be a lot worse, but man, this game is a nightmare sometimes. At least the story is intriguing, which I can forgive a lot for, and the characters are really fun.

the game that singlehandedly made me feel better about becoming an adult

The gameplay is AMAZINGLY fun, in all honesty, and Ichiban Kasuga is super sweet as a character. [I still think he's autistic.]

The sidequests are fantastic here, too.

this game hates me personally and wants to maul me on sight. some of the puzzles are some of the most truly hateful and fiendish gameplay attempts i have ever seen put into a video game.

with that said: WHY DO I KEEP PLAYING IT. i feel like ishmael staring down the white whale every time i play this fucking game.

Amazing soundtrack. Made me cry multiple times. Another game that feels like a spiritual experience.

scarf go brrrrrrrrr

this game changed younger me as a person and is the first game I can really remember getting emotional enough to cry at. it would be really interesting to replay this one now that I'm older, not going to lie.

the gameplay sucks sublime amounts of ass and the story is relatively slow but made me cry. childhood me was very fond of this game and as such it gets the 3.5 rating.

this game has no right being that addictive
mindless fun, I enjoy it for what it is every time I replay it