Finally, a game with no politics in it


You would play it on your school's computers and it was sorta fun I guess

I'm slowly seeing this to be more of a common take, but Minecraft is sorta... meh. Its sandbox nature is what made it so popular in the first place, and that's still its best feature. The actual mining and crafting and progression and multiplayer elements are mediocre at best, and are done much better in other games.

I like this game ironically. It's a terrible game in terms of design, but it's fun to get competitive over the dumbest things with friends

Really fun game, but too much content is gated behind DLC

Definitely the best pack in the series, has the best games

This one has a game thats like among us

It's okay but short. Really only a starting point for future games.

It's a 10 minute VN that's... sorta creepy? Yet doesn't really do anything?

THE incremental game. Idk you just click the cookie lol

Average incremental game with a bit of programming involved, which is quite unique, but the progression is pretty terrible.

Just overall very mediocre game. You play it for like 30 minutes and get bored.

While being a direct upgrade content-wise, the interface somehow made it feel less... fun to create. The Wii U gamepad was perfect for Mario Maker, but on the Switch it just doesn't feel quite right.

I have fond memories of creating levels in this game. Were any of them good? Nah, not really. But having a whole game centered around creation and getting feedback feels unusually fun.

First game but better levels and less focus on atmosphere. A fair tradeoff.