4 reviews liked by photonguro

I don't consider myself a total weeb (I just like JRPGs a lot, there's probably some other term for that) and I don't get into the waifu thing but Tron Bonne is waifu

I’m working retail for shit pay at a Christmas store in Downtown Chicago. It sucks. I don’t have the rent money. I need an overnight job. I’m sick of needing help from dad, I wanna carry my own weight as a man. I made a bunch of cuts into my arm a few nights ago, it stings when my sweater grazes it.

I played this game on my 30-minute break this morning. It was raw. You can charge the spirit gun when u fire. The stages look great. you have a dodge button and can dash. Plenty of attacks. Great sound design REIGUNREIGUNREIGUMREIGUN. It made me laugh. I was less tense afterwards. I love Yu Yu Hakusho. I hope I can also enjoy 120%. it looks cool.

Snake was kinda gay

This game is peak btw

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