Gameplay muito boa com várias opções de jogabilidade, design de mapa, ambiente e personagens me ganharam muito e principalmente o som. O som desse jogo é o que realmente me vendeu que estamos lutando contra um império fascista do mal.

jogar o final desse jogo com uma cabeça no lugar errado pode levar a consequências reais, quem tiver passando por qualquer tipo de problema por favor busque ajuda

Kinda underwelming idk. I really thought that the narrative the game shows us and how it uses meta concepts throughtout the story to grasp us and develop the charcters is kinda cool asf, but (always a but), the concepts that the story works on dont really translate to the gameplay.

For todays days (and other Remedy titles too) everything is kinda pale and basic and bored, nothing really serves nothing. One would think that would be a little more resident evil but it kinda tries do its own thing and for todays days doesnt really hold up that much.

Still, with everything said i think it is a damn good game. You guys should definitly play it if you got the time and experience the genius of the story. Big hype for Alan Wake 2.

Its a revitalisation of the genre. A lot of 'meh' beat em up came, some worse than others but this, oooh this is effin solid. One of my favorites (doesn't come close to SR4). Fun with a lot of friends or with yourself, easy but gets rlly hard in the arcade mode. Anyway, u guys take ur own conclusions. See you space loggers.

This was... One of the best experiences that i had with video game in my life. The sheer emotion and passion that this game entlited to me was incredible, definitly one of my favorite combats in a game, is just so awesome to play with Kratos and Atreus in their journey because the combat is practically flawless here, the way is executed... holy fuck i love this game so bad.


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incrivel como o zagreu consegue ser uma criança mimadinha querendo sair de casa na pandemia e um homão da porra que espanca até o pai para conseguir sair