24 Reviews liked by pissmillionaire

dragon quest v is the best 'dad game' for understanding that, to be a dad, you need at first to be a son. it also understands how important a parent is to the formation of a child. it understands that, while people are gone, they live forever in our hearts and the impact they caused on us will remain till us gone, too. such a powerful experience, i miss the ones that are gone so much, but i love they a lot, too.

The most tactile and emotional digital toy .

this game fully understands that what makes outrun great isn't the driving or the vacation atmosphere or the eurodance soundtrack, it's making your girlfriend happy

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for all of the more infamous criticisms abt the game the worst thing for me is how it ends and what it shows about how swery thinks of deadly premonition. was expecting them to actually do /something/ with aisha, i really believe she had unexplored potential as a younger parallel to york that i was hoping, if nothing else, that they'd follow through on it. but they had to play it safe and make only york the one who really mattered at all.

i really couldve been a defender of this game in some sense (if we arent counting that most of the characters feel more like quirky tourist curiosities than people with human relationships to each other, i.e. anna's mother, becky and quint, nick and olivia from the first game) if it didnt feel like it was leading me on to not just seem like....fanfic for york. but as it is, i feel either like they ran out of steam bc of budget/time, or swery doesnt understand that dp was more than just banking on its protagonist, or both.

god this is just a lovely little thing. short and less freeform than bokunatsu but has a similar nostalgic charm in its setting. i am officially alot more interested in looking into those games after how much i enjoyed this one! the collectibles strewn all over the place is the one real gripe i have, just felt like busy work to run through town and gather them for cards constantly, but it really makes up for it with its endearing characters and their arcs. the cleaner dad and the bad kid and the gung-ho woman at the tv station are my favs but everyone sketches out this town so warmly, this world from the pov of children at play watching adults at work, the potential of heroes sleeping within anybody and everybody. i thought the janken minigame was honestly kinda fun too, i especially liked how certain layers to it unfurled in the post-game!!!

if you take this as a whole package with the previous two games included (as you're meant to do, clearly, given the satisfyingly long scroll through every previous location in the Destinations tab) then i think this is one of the best games of all time. even taken just on the merits of the new levels, though, it's still beautiful and surprising and intricate and hilarious and even really moving by the end. masterpiece.

i loved to grab pedestrians and pretend i was protecting them from the army guys and then climb a really tall skyscaper and then put them down at the top and pet their head :) i didn't bring them back down of course, that's their problem to deal with

I think if they had just sent a bunch of oil rig workers into space to blow up Meteor things might have gone a bit smoother.