I often play retro games and go "holy shit if i played games back then, i would HATE this." Im just heavily against what alot of NES games did.

This game breaks that feeling for me. I instantly understand how this game plays, why its fun, and why i should try better. Its a great ass game.

No game will recreate the magically joy that came to us when we played this game back in '09.

my first pokemon game. I remember not knowing how to leave town until my cousin beat the entire game for me over a vacation.

imo the best Tonert Hawking game.

like minecraft if you arent playing it to relax, but more want a game

just fucking make SKATE 4 already. god.

My favorite Halo game. Blends the Halo combat with more tactically sound gunplay.

The only time a game has actively focused on story rather than intractability, and it ended up working out flawlessly. I seriously believe they will make this story a movie in a couple years

I had never played a game like civ, until i just tried it. It literally birth my love for a genre, and to this day i remember being so insanely focused on my little naval invasion of Greece, i hadnt noticed it was 4am

the biggest breathe of fresh air after the DLC-lite esque game that was Kiwami 1. Its jarring going from the old Y0 dragon engine, to this dragon engine where people are GMO-esque ragdolling across the map, but after awhile, i dont know if im willing to go back.

also i mean its probably the best Yakuza story.

you can play Low Rider by War in this game, pretty good imo.

Pokemons first peak imo. Gold and Silver/Red and Blue-Green were beta versions, and Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald seem to be the first complete pokemon games

i would play this with my grandfather late at night during sleepovers. I remember vividly laughing my ass off because i would keep finding him and shooting him in the back, and he was having so much fun too.

If as grandfather can enjoy this game, you can too.

i put over a thousand hours into this game before i was 10 years old. Its pretty good.