I'd be lying if I said this wasn't enjoyable, but all it is is just Crash Bandicoot but as a GBA-suitable platformer. There's nothing really that compelling to it beyond the basic premise and even then it's just a generic platformer. I absolutely adore old graphics so I didn't mind the dated visuals here but all I'm saying is the 1996 ones actually look infinitely better

I started playing this at 2AM and HOLY that 8-bit soundtrack goes so hard

why was this infinitely harder than I expected

the greatest video game ever made

haven't played this in about five years

I met the Rick and Morty creator whilst playing this once

V e ry gud I likod it

*very good I liked it

not be confused with sausage party (2016)

inventive stuff right here right now

I mean uhhh it's uhhh it's it's no Mario kart Wii but uhhhh

this game is how to trip without taking drugs