Taking a break from 3D sonic and playing sonic... in 2D!

This game is really cool and funky. One one end, you can go super fast while maintaining action, and theres plenty of variability within the stages, but the game has a lot of random difficulty spikes as well. On one end, I'll be blazing through a stage, then I'll get hit by some garbage flappy bird ass mechanic.

The soundtrack is incredible, but if a sonic game doesn't have a good soundtrack then they really messed up

To start things off, I am not a big pokémon fan. I grew up with the games, but as I got older, I got into different RPG's, and started to find pokémon pretty boring in comparison. Pokémon is that thing that exists within everyone. It's a multimedia giant. Everyone has a favorite, and I see why this is such a beloved game now.

I think I struggle with the gameplay loop. Nobody really strategizes in Pokémon. Just attack and heal. Discard any of those buffs, you aren't gonna use them. That aside, the game excels in style, story, and characters.

I think this gen got a lot of flak when it came out for its pokemon designs, but I think they're some of my favorites. Everyone is too mean to vanillite and klink! Everything about this games style is unmatched, I'm afraid we won't see anything like it again. From the fixed cameras to the dynamic season system, theres a lot of world to see.

B&W is all about opposition, choice, and ideals. It's a strong take on how Pokémon are percieved, and how they belong in the world. It's great because you can understand the villains motives, but you can find truth in your own, as well. There's two sides to a coin, and not everything is all black and white.

If you aren't afraid of the dark, you should be.

A fantastic , short metroidvania with loads of content, and lots of quality. It seems basic on the surface, but it sucks you in instantly, and it's impossible to put down once you start getting upgrades.

It has a simple artstyle that blends retro aesthetics with a modern style. It's lonely, but ethereal at the same time.

The puzzles are astounding, and figuring everything out feels so rewarding. There are plenty of secrets, secrets within secrets, and an expansive map that is so enjoyable to open up.

Imagine you're a little robot dude who's only job is to clean and spread happiness. Now imagine you have to fix a messy divorce. And then help aliens. Robot aliens. Aliens who are sick because they're grieving over their bigger robot friend's death. Simple concepts.

Chibi Robo was definetly in that weird experimental time for Nintendo. We can abbreviate this era to the "G.A.M.E.C.U.B.E.". It has so many fun effects such as the music notes reacting to your footsteps, or the pace of the music.

It's very simple, but the small world gets deeper as you do everyone's stories. There's always an incentive in mind, whether through items or story. I think the time system is a bit flawed, and you have to wait a good while before you can maniplulate that.

That being said, this game is a very unusual game, but it hits all the right notes. Sometimes you just wanna be a little guy in a big world.