What a crazy story!

The DS had a lot of cult classics that were kind of lost to time for a good while, before developers even asked if finding a way to port it to modern systems was worth it, or possible at all.

Ghost Trick exudes charm, with simple, yet unique artstyle and gameplay mechanics.

My only complaints is that most of the plot is pushed towards the tail end, and that one of the plot points feels kind of cliche, and doesn't fit in with the existing story

Pikmin gave me the time management, material management, stress factor, satisfaction ratio that resident evil could never.

This game is really cool and has way more difficultt and strategy than it initially seems. The controls kinda suck sometimes and some parts are unforgiving but I honestly like resetting days to optimize my runs

Hi-Fi Rush is an action game that trusts you to move to the beat. It feels so much more intimate compared to a traditional rhythm game as you are completeing dozens of moves, combos, and actions to a rhythm.

This game reminds me of those early 2000's stylized games, something we really need more of. Its futurama-esque world and its cel shaded graphics let me know the style will never age.

I want to highlight how the game is genuinely really funny, and where I started off thinking it would be... "marvel humor", I was pleasantly surprised of its self aware and distinctive sense of humor. Few games get me to laugh this much.

As a rhythm action game should, the music rocks, and I didn't expect licensed music, but seeing nine inch nails among others highlighting impactful moments is just awesome.

This game flew under my radar, but I'm so glad I gave it a chance.

Pikmin 2 enhances a lot of the first game, giving you more time and space to work with, but challenging you nonetheless.

It adds some fun mechanics, but it's very janky, and I don't understand the what seems to be universal praise.

The game's difficulty can be really engaging at times, but the later levels feel like an RNG fest, where you have to meticulously work through oddly placed levels, and hope you have enough pikmin for a floor.

It's very fun and engaging, but its age shows.

It got duracell battery tho!!!

I don't think I'm the target demographic...

By far the best pikmin game. The game can be a little easy in comparison to other titles, however I don't mind since the game is so fun.

The collecting and exploration is really great, offering some nice homages to nintendos history, and plenty of variety. There's a lot of content for new and old fans, and challenges for the most worthwhile rewards.

It's the definitive pikmin game, it's just so addicting

Every katamari game is kind of the same, but that doesn't make them any less fun.

It's very satisfying to see progression and funky characters and music throughout

The framerate is kinda janky sometimes but it's not terrible

It's kind of just a mindless hack and slash, but it's not too bad. It wants to be persona but doesn't commit to that

Coldstone is funny though

Ooohh this game controls good.

It's definetly built around speedrunning, so the levels are short but full of value and potential for replayability. I'm not sure what I could compare it to. Kind of like a 3D celeste in a way.

The story is a pretty interesting take on religion, yet it's still lighthearted.

Machine girl is a bop, the artstyle is great!

This game is what you dreamed of when you played spider-man as a kid. It feels undefined to control, the speed and mobility it gives you is unmatched.

The scale of the bosses and the setpieces make this story larger than life. The substories also give emotional impact that truly feels personal to the values of spider-man.

I wish Miles had a bit bigger of a role, and I ran into quite a few bugs, but each moment defied my expectations.

Just a simple, relaxing game about moving in. And depression.

It's nice to see stories being made without really saying anything at all, even if it's easy to predict.

While it can be relaxing, it also makes me mad because I'm very particular about sorting my own stuff

Just a wonderful time.

Traditionally 2D mario games have been struggling ever since the "New" games came into fruition. They're not bad, just bland. Wonder took a much needed break to create a truly animated and creative Mario.

This game is brimming with ideas, it feels like they had even more that they couldn't even use. I wish the bosses had more variety, and that there were more in general, because bosses in this formula could be so much more than just Bowser Jr.

I also really love the badge challenges! There's so much potential with those, they're super short, however.

Silent Hill 2 is a psychological horror masterpiece (albeit with some age)

The game is a little older than be, yet stories still struggle to come close to a work as compassionate as this.

The atmosphere is eerie and dreadful, but never too far in your face. It's subtle, yet effective. The game is all about tragedy and regret, and how the town revolves around that. It's truly impressive, and still feels personal, even when it isn't.

This game feels very "modern" despite its age, and has a lot of quality of life that isn't present in some of todays rpg's. The combat is a mix of turn based and tactics, it's fun and strategic

The story itself is a very slow burn, and doesn't really start until the tail end, that being because this game is kind of just setup for its sequels. Whether that's an excusable reason for a slow story or not is up in the air, but it's pretty relaxing, so I don't mind

However, when I think of 2000's jrpgs that tried being a planned out series from the very beginning.... I just think budgets and cancelations, so I'm not sure if my score would change if those games hadn't released