37 reviews liked by poppydina

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twink death is real. it can happen to you. it happened to date.

reviews are going so fast nobody will notice im gay

Me playing a game and sitting through 40 hours of dogshit but they start saying life is worth living near the end so I gotta lock in and give it that 10/10

“Would be 5 stars if the rng worked” yeah 2022 me was a fucking PUSSY this is 5 stars I don’t need thinkpiece ideas to quantify my enjoyment of shit this game rules it has Swalot.

Um dos melhores jogos que já joguei, mas a falta de autosave me matou um pouco por dentro no começo. de resto, makoto makimura melhor personagem adoro uma cegueta lesada

raw as fuck cause rayquaza had that dawg in him

the only bad thing about this game is that, once you finish it, that's it, you are done forever. you are burden with the curse of knowledge for the rest of your life.

Ironically hyping up bad games is the lowest form of comedy

Raiden stronger than me man if i was that Nigga i would've killed myself.