Another incredible game from From Software, my personal favourite from their catalogue. This game has incredible gameplay and combat which serve as the main draw of the game for the player. But what makes the player keep coming back isn't just the gameplay it's the world, the environmental storytelling, the lore, the aesthetics, the soundtrack and the mystery.

My second favourite game of all time and possibly the best game I've ever played? This is a wholy unique experience for me and is a large step out of my usual game catalogue but goddam is it worth it. This game consumed my life for the two months that I played it and I loved every last moment. The combat is great, the characters are great, the story is great, the soundtrack is great and the overall vibe and aesthetics of the game are incredible. Treat yourself and play this impossibly good game.

The best game I've ever played. Kratos is my favourite video game character, Atreus, Baldur, Mimir and Freya are also amazing. The graphics are impeccable the voice acting is superb, the story is the best out of any game I've played and the gameplay is some of the most fun I've ever had.

This is my favourite game ever made. It has its flaws and I don't think it's the BEST game of all time, there are many that I consider "better". This however is easily my favourite. I have a lot of nostalgia for this game and grew closer to many of my closest friends through playing it with them, this is a very important game to me that will always remain at the top of my favourites for the unforgettable memories which it has given me.