This is the gaming equavilent to a pig trouph. A bunch of leftovers and scraps from better, more successful games mindlessly mashed into a bin and fed to gamers who'll gobble up any AI generated, plagarised piece of slop as long as they're "sticking it to Game Freak". I promise you, Game Freak doesn't care about this game now and they especially won't care about it in a month when the hype has died down and it dissapears off the face of the internet. As an aspiring game designer, who starts study this year it's incredibly disheartening to see such a low effort game get so popular and be met with so much success. What's the point in even trying if this passionless and creatively bankrupt game is all it takes for great success. Go support indie devs that actually put passion and effort into their games, go play Nexomon, or Monster Sanctuary, or Monster Crown, or Coromon, or Cassette Beasts, or any of the other hundreds of indie games that actually deserve your money.


This game makes me enjoy rougelikes, something I didn't think possible. This game has a very compelling story, engaging characters and thrilling gameplay which I can't recomend enough. I ended up getting distracted by new releases before I could reach the end of the game but I'll be sure to finish it soon

This is my favourite game ever made. It has its flaws and I don't think it's the BEST game of all time, there are many that I consider "better". This however is easily my favourite. I have a lot of nostalgia for this game and grew closer to many of my closest friends through playing it with them, this is a very important game to me that will always remain at the top of my favourites for the unforgettable memories which it has given me.

My second favourite game of all time and possibly the best game I've ever played? This is a wholy unique experience for me and is a large step out of my usual game catalogue but goddam is it worth it. This game consumed my life for the two months that I played it and I loved every last moment. The combat is great, the characters are great, the story is great, the soundtrack is great and the overall vibe and aesthetics of the game are incredible. Treat yourself and play this impossibly good game.

There's nothing I can say about this game that hasn't already been said 1000 times over. So I'm not even going to try, it's easily the best game of 2023 and one of the best games of all time. It will forever be remembered as a pinnacle of gaming made with an unmatched amount of love and passion that is visible in every last aspect of this masterpiece. Games like this are why I'm studying game design, games like this are why people love video games so much, games like this are the reason people create. Thank you everyone who worked on this phenomenal game, I'm gonna go play my fifth playthrough now.

Yeah some people in the community are kinda weird (vocal minority btw) but this game is actually really fun and doesn't deserve the obvious review bombing by people who have never played the game in their lives

Probably the most overrated game in recent memory. I don't dislike this game by any means and from what I played the story, characters and world are all great. The problem lies within the gameplay. It just isn't fun. Once you unlock each sword stance the game becomes too easy and you can just turn your brain off and efortlessly mow down any enemy that comes after you, even in hard mode. The stealth isn't much better either with minial options within movement and distractions making it more annoying to do stealth than rewarding or entertaining. I will come back to this game one day and complete it once and for all but for now it will remain a game which unfortunately severely disappointed me.

A few years after playing it for the first time and I have no idea what I was on about this game is amazing

Another incredible game from From Software, my personal favourite from their catalogue. This game has incredible gameplay and combat which serve as the main draw of the game for the player. But what makes the player keep coming back isn't just the gameplay it's the world, the environmental storytelling, the lore, the aesthetics, the soundtrack and the mystery.

I've wasted so much of my life on this game. Remember when it was fun?

After over 50 hours of playtime and achieving the platinum trophy I can confidently say that God of War Ragnorok is a masterpiece which exceeds its predecessor in every way. The story, characters, exploration, spectacle, gameplay, music, graphics, voice acting, everything is vastly improved upon from the last game.

Long gone are the tiresome and repetitive combat with the same enemies and the constant, annoying traversal up and down walls, Kratos now has a whole arsenal of new moves, abilities and weapons which makes combat and traversal both much more fun. Then when you add on the plethora of new enemies introduced to the game and the massively improved boss fights AND the significant improvements on the builds you can make through the games RPG elements, Ragnork's combat becomes something that far exceeds God of War 2018's.

And then there's the characters, of course Kratos and Atreus are back and Cristopher Judge and Sunny Suljic both give incredible performances as their respective characters, especially Christopher Judge who can portray an astounding amount of emotion through simple body language, grunts and facial expressions. His performance however does not overshadow Sunny’s, Atreus goes through an amazing arc throughout this story and his and Kratos’ relationship was a pleasure to watch develop. Danielle Bisutti is also giving her all in her portrayal of Freya, I don't think she quite reaches the peaks that she did in 2018, however that's due to her not being given the opportunity to do so rather than a fault of her acting abilities, and Freya remains an incredible character nonetheless. Then there’s Brok and Sindri, the two comedic relief dwarves from the first game who are given much more in this game, both are given more in depth backstories and real character arcs which makes them much more significant characters and their emotional scenes that much more impactful.

Then of course there's the new characters, all of which are just as good as those before them, especially Thor and Odin. The two main antagonists of the game are perfect, Thor is given actual depth beyond a mindless and cruel killer and his relationship to his daughter and surprisingly Atreus were both touching, and the parallels created between him and Kratos make for more great character development from both of these murderous Gods. Then there’s Odin, the main antagonist, the Allfather, what is there to say? Odin is perfect from start to finish, he’s not some big grand all seeing deity who poses a massive threat to our characters, instead he's a cunning and intelligent mob boss who uses his superior intellect to manipulate the world and story of the game in order to reach the best possible outcome for him, whos plans where both highly intelligent and ended with one of the greatest twists in any game I have ever played.

God of War Ragnorok is an incredible feat of gaming that is near impossible to top, it’s an incredible, one of a kind masterpiece that everyone should experience once in their lives. 5/5, easily my game of the year and definitely one of my favourite games ever made.

There is simply too much to say about this game to put into words here but no other game has triggered such emotional reactions from me with its story alone, to the extent that I found myself crying on multiple occasions, something no other game has ever done before. Royal improves on its predessecor in every way imaginable, my experience playing this game is one that I will never forget. This is and always will be my favourite game ever made.

The best game I've ever played. Kratos is my favourite video game character, Atreus, Baldur, Mimir and Freya are also amazing. The graphics are impeccable the voice acting is superb, the story is the best out of any game I've played and the gameplay is some of the most fun I've ever had.

The sequel to my favourite game of all time which I also consider to be my favourite game of all time. It obviously has flaws and a very rocky launch. However over time Bungie has once again proven their game design prowess by using updates and DLC to substantially improve this game to the point that it manages to excede its predecessor.

A poor imitation of the much surperior Wii sports with boring and simplistic sports which are simply too easy and repetitive to be enjoyable. Just buy a Wii instead.