To start I feel like I should say that I've seen the show and about half of a playthrough of this game before playing it myself so I knew most of the things that were going to happen in the game. Those along with the dozens of glowing reviews I've seen for this game over the years have given me extremely high expectations for this game. Unfortunately this game was not able to reach those but it got pretty damn close. This game was incredible and I'm not even sure how to put the experience into words. The story and characters were all written amazingly and felt real, more so than nearly any other game I've played. It took me places that even as someone who has experienced a version of this story I still wasn't expecting. The arcs of the characters and how human they felt made the experience. None of these characters are good people but the game makes you sympathize and relate to their issues so perfectly. Other than the masterpiece of a story though, this game wasn't super special. Stealth was the highlight of the gameplay though because as someone who is not the biggest fan of stealth combat, I was engaged with it and the game made it feel really tense. The graphics of this remaster/remake were very good on a machine other than mine but unfortunately mine wasn't good enough to get it looking as good as it could. Other additional features with the remaster/remake were fun to mess around with and the gameplay modifiers will be helpful for future playthroughs, but I wish they would have been available from the start for players who struggle with games like this and just want to experience the story. All in all this game was amazing but there were some issues that made it not quite perfect for me. Definitely still a must play though

I had pretty high expectations for this game as I love 3rd person shooters and the gameplay looked really good. My expectations rose even higher when I saw it win action GOTY at the Game Awards. Somehow despite how high my expectations were this game still exceeded them. The gameplay was fast but still strategic. The gunplay feels really good and you have so much customization once you get the money to buy more parts. The boss fights were some of the best that I've seen in a game recently. There were some bosses that felt pretty easy and some that took me hours on their own but each was a blast to fight and had beautiful and imposing designs. The visuals were absolutely gorgeous. The raw graphics themselves weren't the best but the art style carried so hard. All of this would have been enough but the story was surprisingly really good. It was very slow and not super interesting in the first chapter but it gets really intense especially towards the end, and the ending was really impactful. When I chose the ending I did, I got scared I chose the "bad" ending, but the game justified my choice and it felt like a really satisfying ending. This game is a genuine masterpiece and I will definitely be coming back soon to complete the arena and new game plus.

This game is an amazing evolution of the original game. The story is a lot more developed, though this game is still pretty short. The psychological elements are a lot deeper in this game and it oddly reminded me a lot of the show Serial Experiments Lain, especially one of the endings that I won't go into but I really liked it as a fan of the show. If you liked the first game I definitely recommend this and if you didn't I feel like this game gives you a lot more than the original did so I would still say to give this a try. Overall a really interesting visual novel that's more than worth getting all of the endings

Short and sweet visual novel. All achievements only took me around 20 minutes. The story isn't the most apparent at first and honestly doesn't get that much clearer but it adds to the charm of it all. No spoilers but I have never gotten more scared by a single letter than playing this game. Definitely recommended

I played The Witness for about an hour and genuinely hated it. I am not a fan of puzzle games and it felt like the video game equivalent of nails on a chalk board. This though, this is it. This game was really funny and enjoyable. I loved the puzzles and even the tougher ones were still fun for me. Everything tied together to make the game one of the funniest I've played in a while and had a lot of charm throughout. While the game is very short, it felt handcrafted to be enjoyable start to finish and has absolutely zero filler. For a free game I think this is a must play. If you have any motion sickness issues with first person games I might recommend playing it in increments though as I started to feel sick towards the end and I'd imagine others may too.

Really fun and surprisingly creepy. I only ever played a few hours of the original game but I thought that this was significantly more enjoyable than the original. Unlike the original, the jumpscares actually got me, which is a pretty rare thing for me. The gameplay felt really smooth, if a little annoying at some places. The game is structured amazingly in the way it was paced and how they introduce you to new enemy types. The atmosphere is always on point and I always felt like the creators' vision was exactly how I was experiencing it. The part with the regenerators is one of the most tense sections I've seen in a game. Ashley was Ashley but the AI was a lot easier to work around in this version than the original and was rarely annoying. The story was surprisingly really interesting and actually one of my favorite parts of the game. I didn't play many games that came out this year and it feels kinda weird to say a nearly 20 year old game is my GOTY but honestly this is it. Really enjoyable experience that I'm glad I got the chance to play.

Persona 4 is the best game I have ever played full stop. This game is over 100 hours for the true ending and I played the whole in a couple weeks over summer and wish it could have gone on longer. The characters are some of the best I've seen and this game makes you care about every single one of them. I loved how the conversations and interactions with individual characters was weaved into the gameplay. The social links reward you with bonuses in combat for hanging out with different characters. The story itself is incredibly interesting mostly because of just how well the game is at making you care about the characters in it. The gameplay is the most engaging and fun I've played in a jrpg and collecting and fusing personas became the most rewarding grind I've been through in a video game. I would honestly recommend this game for anyone and I think it's a game everyone needs to play before they die.

Genuinely one of the best games ever made. The story shows humanity in a way rarely seen in video games and has some of the best writing I've seen in any medium. The characters all feel so real and help to get you invested in them and where they go or what they do. The gameplay itself is not always as interesting but personally, I was able to have fun just messing around with the mechanics and random npc's and just immersing myself into by-far the most realistic game world I've ever seen. The gunplay feels really good and dead eye is by far my favorite feature in any game, but shootouts can start to feel repetitive as the game goes on. Online isn't always super active anymore but when it is, it's really fun and one of my favorite online games at the moment. This is an absolute must-play game.

Really cool as a sequel to the first game. It expands on basically everything and introduces a lot. Really enjoyed it

Really interesting storytelling style. Loved the story and characters but it's obvious that its the first. Really good for a free singleplayer game

Amazing sequel and I'm so glad I got to play it. Love it just as much if not more than the first game

Genuinely some of the most fun I've had with a video game. Love the characters and Bayonetta herself is an absolute slay