5 reviews liked by putaslayer

So, this game is semi dead and you have to play on the jp servers to consistently find games. It's a shame since (microtransactions aside) the game is lowkey good.

yeah yeah it has a season pass, a bunch of cosmetic with outrageous prices and it's not even free-to-play but this isn't an effortless cash grab like some reviews say on here.
There's actual great stuff on here, like the graphics! Everything looks great; the environments are good looking, colorful and detailed, the foam looks great and the artwork + the character designs are great. I knew the style looked familiar... especially Soa and her 2d portraits and yeah a look at the credits and I find them: Gurihiru. I love their style, even if it has a slight same face syndrome. I know of them because they are behind the art of my favorite modern comicbook run.

It also has a fantastic soundtrack and a great overall colorful vibe.

This is a hero shooter, so the characters are important. Jet Justice and the shark gamer are a miss for me, but I think every other one looks good. Gwyn is clearly the best character though, I mean she believes she is a penguin, lives in Antarctica and her supporting cast consists entirely of realistic animals.

Gameplaywise it's a 3rd person shooter. You fill the map with foam and you can use that foam to go faster or reach higher platforms. Something something Splatoon. Surfing on your foam doesn't refill your ammo like in Splatoon so there's a difference there. The main goal of every gamemode also doesn't have anything to do with filling the map with foam so that's another difference.
Not that it matters, there's nothing wrong in being similar.
Movement, shooting and the character abilities all feel great.

The more time you spend with this game you'll realize that it has a good base but it needed more time in the oven.
-In PvP there are 3 game modes, and 2 of those are on rotation, being swapped every hour. Coincidentally those 2 modes (the survival one and the duck one) are more frustrating than fun... so there's only one pvp mode really: smash the star, the default online experience on this game. For how long will you play the same (chaotic but fun) mode? The devs are betting on people getting hooked so they buy the extremely expensive cosmetics, but pvp gets repetitive FAST, with a very repetitive map pool and the small selection of game modes. It sucks since the main mode is really fun.
-There's also a pve element to the game... there are 2 missions that you can do with 3 other people online, and a set of offline character missions. These are all the same: waves of enemies, then a boss (a stronger normal enemy with more hp). There's nothing creative, it's just the same square and you have to stop enemies from reaching a reactor or something. There are no character exclusive levels or challenges or anything interesting, just different artwork and voiced text cutscenes.

There's so much good, a lot of polish and attention to detail in some areas, and a lot of potential... it's sad that there's no way that this game survives past this year.

What is originality? What do we want from video games? Are we playing games to re-experience the highlights of our childhood? Are we searching for something new? Do we need the latest and greatest graphics to satisfy our hunger or just a new perspective? Why tf does a horse made of legs have a 20th century guitar playing boy for a brother?

when jonathan meowd, i realized i was a lawfag all along...

My dealer: got some straight gas this strain is called “literature” you’ll be zonked out of your gourd
Me: yeah whatever. I don’t feel shit.
5 minutes later: dude I swear I saw some demons in the forest
My buddy Walter pacing: the eastern kingdom of mikado is lying to us

This review contains spoilers

I have a lot of conflicting feelings towards Lisa. On one hand, I found the mechanics and gameplay to be pretty fun. Brad's attacking style is visceral and satisfying (when he's not going through withdrawal), and I found the wealth of different party members fun to experiment with. My personal favorite was Harvey, the lawyer fish. I loved the way danger seemed to lurk in every corner of this game. At any moment, it seemed like Brad could get jumped and suffer some game-altering affliction. I love the Joy mechanic, and how it fundamentally shapes the battle system. I saw no way through the game without taking full advantage of Joy, which added a layer of tragedy behind Brad as a character. I consciously made the choice that trying to be better was too hard, and indulged myself in Joy to the fullest extent.

Unfortunately, Lisa sort of failed to meet my expectations as a narrative. Olathe is a world of abject misery, one which is certainly doomed to die a slow and painful death. Lisa revels in its own depression, to a point where it began to affect my interest in the overall plot. I'd be hard-pressed to tell you a theme that Lisa explores. It heavily portrays a story of generational abuse, and how the ways Brad's father traumatized him in turn traumatize Buddy. Lisa fails to make any kind of statement about this situation. It's too obsessed with its own darkness, too busy going, "What if Brad beat the shit out of Buddy while she tried to protect Marty, would that be fucked up or what?" I was disgusted throughout the entire ending of the game, but there was no thematic payoff to this disgust. It's sort of the feeling that I get when I drive past roadkill- in the moment, it's awful, but once it's out of view it fails to leave any kind of lasting impact.

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